hello I blog at blogspot.com and I find less 'crap' to deal with their IE noone ever stops by that I dont know and no advertisements and junk. Last I knew they were wokring to make it password protected so only those invited could view but not sure if that is up yet.
Husband works on computers and I wanted to throw out there that if you are going to go on myspace or facebook make SURE you have good virus/spyware protection as they are rampant and we get a HUGE amount of side business from folks using those sites. From our experience with our business mcaffee?-sp? is the one that catches the most items that others dont catch, a decent program runs about $60-80 a year, things like trend etc that you can get for cheap dont stop the worst/newest agents. Also make sure to update it at least weekly or set it up to do this for you.
happy blogging