I think it's great you're getting ready for your baby. Breastfeeding is very beneficial to any baby, especially a baby with CF. Educating yourself on breastfeeding is so important for a first time mom. There are resources "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" a book(I think I got mine from from La Leche League is an invaluable resource for a new mom. In fact; I've given that as a baby shower gift for friend's wanting to breastfeed. Also, contacting your local La Leche League, the have meetings monthly and some women even go prior to birth. is a general website as well as www.cfnutrition4life which is a website by a woman who's son has CF. It is filled with stories of moms breastfeeding their CF babies, obstacles they may have encountered, success stories, mine included.
The reasons I breastfed both of my children were several; the colostrum they get before your milk comes in is filled with antibodies to build thier immune system. I thought it was the healthiest nutrition for both my children. The bonding, close feeling you get from nursing a baby. It's cheap(free). I lost weight quickly(breastfeeding burns TONS of calories) It gave me some control of how I could make both my children as healthy as they could be. My daughter with CF did need enzymes every time she nursed. Breastmilk is more easily digestible. Learning to breastfeed any baby does not always come naturally; I was lucky in that my first child was a breastfeeding pro, latched on easily gained weight QUICKLY(3 pounds by the time he was 2 weeks old)
I was very experienced by the time my daughter came around, I knew I could establish an abundant milk supply and was determined to feed her that way. It's a great start to brestfeed no matter how long; if you can do 2 weeks that's better than none or 2 years. Just my opinion.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">