This is on the stupid computer I'm trying to get HP to replace anyways, as it's been back for 3 yes, count them 3 repairs since DECEMBER 06. Not including the previous hours that I've spent on the phone with tech support trying to get the darn thing to work.
Any problem that's possible with a laptop, I've had it with this one. I finally got HP to admit they've had problems with this particular model, moreso than normal. Although this is the first time they've heard of ONE person having SO many of these problems. I told them it's just my luck, LOL! So, now I might get a different computer out of it. if not, it's off to the BB and WA state Att. General for me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
But in the meantime, I'll try to run those antivirus programs. I do have Mcaffe, does that mean anything?
Thanks Candace and Em.