To The Moderator


New member
A question for the moderator: Is there a reason that people are allowed to post here anonymously?

I know that is not the case on all sites.

I have been reading a lot of the post lately and some may be interpreted as negative. I believe that everyone has a right to there opinion, even if I do not agree with it. I just wonder if some of the comments might be tuned down if people were not allowed to post anonymously. Maybe they would not be, but there is something to be said for behavior under anonmity. Finally, if someone has a legitimate issue or question about CF I believe they would sign in to post.

This is just a question with no intent on offending anyone.

I believe this is a great vehicle for both people with CF and their family members and I hope it continues to be.



"My friends are my estate. Forgive me the avarice of hoarding them."-Emily Dickinson


New member
Yes, I agree. We all sign in on the CF Trust forum and I think its much more open and constructive. People should take responsibility for their words.

Rob 24 wcf


New member
I agree. I go to other sites as well that you can't post anonymously. You have to sign in to post or even lurk. It helps keep away the "trolls" or trouble makers.


New member
Ok, I am one that NEVER logs in simply because it's not convenient for me, although I do visit another site where i am required to log in although I always sign my name. In light of all thse problems, (I do agree, the anonymous positing is getting out of hand) I will be logging in from now on and agree that a requirement to be logged in to POST (not to simply read) would be beneficial to everyone, therefore, I will start loggin in. Just an FYI

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)

Logging in right now.....................


New member
I am a member of Cystic-L at and there you have to register in order to be a member. For anyone interested it is a good site.


New member
Here are my thoughts on this...there are some times when people want to remain anon because they do not want others (who may otherwise know who they are...i.e family, friends, etc.) to know what they are thinking.....and then there are those who are too chicken to say what they want without leaving their name....either way, I think they should be able to remain anon because the viewers DO NOT have to read their posts! I am anon because I am a private person.....NOT because I have anything to hide....I also don't post negative things on this site, this is just how I am....hopefully some agree!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member

I am Cat. I ahev been reading posts here for a while but this is my first post. I agree with senatorgraham that people should have to log on to post. Most site requiere this to keep negativity at a mininmum.

CAT, mother of CFer 31<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
What would keep someone from changing names in an attempt to keep their anonymity (?) There are too many bashers on this site that I would feel comfortable signing in or giving my name.