Your messages really touched me. I want to thank you for your appreciation. It shows me that you understand completely what a lot of work and a sacrifice for me (aka mom) and my family to more than "allow" but to "support" me to leave for a day and a half every 8 wks the last few years was. The placebo was a big blow emotionally and physically. I didn't realize I still had residual feelings/issues with it until your thankful messages stirred up a whole host of emotions in me. I feel such joy that we have this medication but it's been a long road. Strangely the worst part for me wasn't when I got placebo but before that when I had literally transformed in the 28 days on drug and to know I wouldn't get it again for who knew how long. I promise one of these days, I'llwrite more. And of course, I feel the guilt of beingpart of the 4%of cfers that this actually works for. I hope it's just a matter of time for 809or 661 to come out and help the majority of people with cf.