To those who DID get pregnant with CF....


New member

OK, I'm certain this has been asked again and again, but I'm thinking maybe some new members may have their two cents to put in, and I will take all the info. I can get.

My DH and I are not trying to have a baby, but not preventing it either (at this point). My biggest question is, how difficult was it for those of you CFers to get pregnant? Did you have to go through fertility or did it just "happen"? Had you been trying a long time?

My DH and I have been not using b.c. for over 3 years, but not tracking cycles or anything since that gives me anxiety attacks. So, I'm just wondering how many have actually had a hard time with this? I think I just need to relax and it will happen. At this point, I figured if God wants us to have a baby and knows I can handle it, he'll give us one. I don't want to go to extreme means to make it happen.

Thanks for any information. I do appreciate it, as I feel you CF mothers have explained your stories many many times to those of us without children. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

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New member
I didnt use birth control for 12 years. Most of that time was with my first husband tho some was with my long time high school sweetheart. I was only with my new husband for 10 months when I got pregnant at age 29 & delivered at 30. I wasnt trying, but after awhile of not getting pregnant didnt think I had to worry about it. Hubby says it just took him to plant the seed in the right spot!

I was on birth control for the first 1 1/2 years of marriage. I went off it and was pregnant within 5 months. It is so different for everyone. Good luck. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.


New member
With my son, I got pregnant the first time, no trying involved. I was 21.

this baby took 15 months and fertility drugs and and intrauterine insemination. Now, I can say two things on that - 1, my stepmom is an OBGYN, so when i got annoyed with how long "trying" was taking, I asked for the fertility treatments, rather than being referred by another doctor, as well, my husband and i had all the usual testing done and it was normal...bu-ut there was some speculation that maybe in the 7 years between babies my cervical mucous had thickened up enough to inhibit the sperm passing through. Regarless, I am on baby # 2, and so far, so good! Good luck!


New member
Hi Sonia

I took the same aproach as you, it will happen if it is meant to be. I had my first at 25 about 4years no b.c. I never used any b.c after my first and had my second last year when I was 32. Yikes, 7 years later!!



New member
Thanks for all the information. You're experiences help shed some light on a very new and confusing subject for me.



We didn't use birth control for a few years before our first child was born...but also didn't chart or anything. I charted for one month and got pregnant that month. We got pregnant with our second when our first turned 11 months, no charting at all!


New member
When my husband and I got married we decided just to leave it up to God and if it was meant to be than we would have children. We ended up coming home from our honeymoon early because I was feeling queasy and sick then discovered three months later I was pregnant.

My second child we wanted badly. I tracked my cycles and read all the info about the best chances for conceiving and based off of that we tried for two months and conceived.

With our third we were very specific in when we wanted to conceive and once again tracked cycles and found the best days to try and it took one month of trying to get pregnant.

Each of us are all very different but my doctors put me on birth control after my third was born. LOL I think they thought I wasn't going to stop with three.



New member
Experiences are all unique, aren't they? We tried for a year and were diagnosed infertile. Then as soon as we gave up hope, we got pregnant. My pregnancy was incredibly healthy and easy. Birth was awesome!

We've been hopeing to conceive again since my periods returned 3 years ago, but nothing yet. I am starting to chart at the request of my CNM (certified nurse midwife).

You can read my story and others at "From Patient to Parent" <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>.