When I was in 2nd grade, one of my friends laughed at me and told me I looked pregnant because of my CF belly. It did bother me, and I still remember it all these years later. I know she wasn't trying to bully me or be mean, she was just a little kid with no filter. But since then, I actually started to really work on my core. I started doing a lot of abs and swam and ran and by the time I was in 7th grade, I had a 6 pack of abs. Then everyone was jealous. Of course they still stuck out because I will always have a CF belly, but with working out it really helped it go down and tighten it up. People who don't know I have CF thought I was anorexic because I was so skinny, until my friends started sticking up for me and telling them they need to see how much I eat and love to eat. Just remember, if anyone tries to make fun of you for your CF, they have their own issues that didn't start or come from you.