TOBI and hemoptysis

Hi all I thought u could trust ur hospital but it turns out u can't my one in Leicester becaused I got overdosed at it with Tobi iv last time I was in because one of the nurses didnt sign the chart in the day when she give it me and when the night shift came on I had gone sleep but my mum was there and she asked me when I woke up how come u didn't have ur Tobi I've till now and I said I had it in the afternoon and now I had it again at night cause I normally just have it once a day but I had it at night as well because the chart hadn't been signed off they even called me a lier because it was signed lucky for me ny normal psyiopherpist wasn't on yesterday but was today and she had to come back after I had been flushed off so I asked them to phone her I because I was so sure I had my Tobi in the afternoon they phoned the nurse who done it and should have for it but forgot to and she said she did give it to me so they had to bleep the night doctor she took over 3 hours to cum and when she was useless she didn't know what to do in the end she put me on some fluids to try and flush the extra one out I think that is what she was trying do anyway the levels was to high so they had take me off Tobi I've and put me on anther one fosformycin anyway my cf doctor came round he was not sure if they was any damage done or not he said it was to early to tell but now I'm back home and a few days ago now I coughed but when I spit it out it was pure blood I don't know how long it was but I must have filled two plastic cups you have at parties and stuff all with nothing but pure blood I am thinking of seeing them what do u think


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Wow, I just read this. YES you should call your doctor or go to the emergency. That is a lot of blood! Those cups hold more than 12oz - doctors usually get concerned if you cough up more than 8oz.

i don't know whether or not your tobra caused this, but it's worth checking on. Good luck.