I've completed four weeks on the TOBI podhaler. I use it two weeks on and two weeks off rather than the traditional four weeks on and four weeks off. Here in Canada, the Podhaler is the same price as traditional TOBI - $3,400 for a one-month supply.
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<br />You have to take four capsules of TOBI twice a day. The capsules are inserted in an inhaler that punctures them and you inhale like with other inhalers. The medication also isn't refrigerated, which is a good improvement.
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<br />In terms of side effects, I've had a lot of ringing in my ears, BUT I started a new IV antibiotic at the same time as the Podhaler. I have had some coughing while I'm taking the Podhaler, but again that could just reflect my current health. I'm not sure I would consider it a side effect, but the medicine is very bitter in inhaled form. You will just want to munch on something or drink something afterwards to get rid of the taste.
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<br />I like the Podhaler a lot because it saves time and is much more portable than traditional TOBI.
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<br />I'm in Canada, and I haven't really heard when it's expected to be released elsewhere. It's kind of nice to be first for a change.
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<br />You have to take four capsules of TOBI twice a day. The capsules are inserted in an inhaler that punctures them and you inhale like with other inhalers. The medication also isn't refrigerated, which is a good improvement.
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<br />In terms of side effects, I've had a lot of ringing in my ears, BUT I started a new IV antibiotic at the same time as the Podhaler. I have had some coughing while I'm taking the Podhaler, but again that could just reflect my current health. I'm not sure I would consider it a side effect, but the medicine is very bitter in inhaled form. You will just want to munch on something or drink something afterwards to get rid of the taste.
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<br />I like the Podhaler a lot because it saves time and is much more portable than traditional TOBI.
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<br />I'm in Canada, and I haven't really heard when it's expected to be released elsewhere. It's kind of nice to be first for a change.
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