My doctor gave me a seven day trial pack of the TOBI Podhaler. He warned me not to inhale quickly when using it - especially on the first breath with each capsule.
I had planned to use it for about two weeks during the off months from Cayston. I had stopped using liquid TOBI years ago because of hearing problems - and the Cayston was doing a good job.
After using the TOBI Podhaler for six days I stopped it. It seemed to be causing a dry cough, increased ringing in my ears, and a general poor feeling. The symptoms went away within a few days after stopping it. (I had also tried using nebulized Colistin in the Cayston off months but gave this up too.)
After over six years of Cayston, it still seems to be doing a fairly good job, thank G-d. As long as it continues to do so, I'll stay away form the TOBI and Colistin. If and when the Cayston becomes less effective, I probably will give the TOBI Podhaler another try; again not for the full month.