TOBI quesiton


New member
My husband accidentally gave my son his second TOBI treatment for the day 4 hours early. He also gave him his 2nd pulmozyme for the day 4 hours early. I know they should really be 12 hours apart. Obv. we will try to not have this happen again. Any immed. danger from us doing this? Thanks!


New member
I wouldn't worry about about it... at all... I am just happy if I get all my treatments one day.... esp since it is inhaled it has very little systemic effect.. Now if it were IVS and you did them right on top of each other that would be different..but someone correct me if I am wrong.. a few hours... I think we all have done that before... Their are some days when I am do them a few hours apart.. Not ideal....but it is that or nothing...

DOn't worry... and if you ever have any immediate questions.. POSION CONTROL kicks butt.. .I work in a Peds ER once a week and we call them all the time.... they would know what to look for...



New member
NO need to worry.....the recommendation of being 12 hours apart is for the most benefit from the med. If he was to have a bronchial spasm etc it would take more than that as long as he has tolerated the meds well so far.........


New member
Just jumping in here.... Mark doesn't ever do his treatments 12 hours apart, more like 5-9 on any give day depending on the schedule and so on. Sure it's recommended 12, and in the perfect world, that's how we woudl all do it.... But lives have got to be lived.

Just to clairify, no danger, none at all.....


New member

I have a 7yr.girl named kaylee and when she started Tobi in 2003 i was so worried about giving it to her every 12hrs. it is almost impossible. This has happen a few times in our home. he should be ok.

marisa mom of 3 girls youngest w/ CF


New member
Dnt worry bout it, ive bin takin tobi for 5 yrs. Most of time i get bout 11, dnt take it till 12, then on an evening b4 i go out wi my m8s i ahve to take it bout 6. i do it all time. and i dnt do the usual month on month off, i take mine every other day.


New member
Dnt worry bout it, ive bin takin tobi for 5 yrs. Most of time i get bout 11, dnt take it till 12, then on an evening b4 i go out wi my m8s i ahve to take it bout 6. i do it all time. and i dnt do the usual month on month off, i take mine every other day.


New member
I never take my meds 12 hours apart - it just never works that way. Its usually every 8 hours give or take. Sometimes I'm late with them, and take it 13 or 14 hours.


New member
I never take my meds 12 hours apart - it just never works that way. Its usually every 8 hours give or take. Sometimes I'm late with them, and take it 13 or 14 hours.


New member
We usually do 6:15 in the morning, then 5:45 or 6 at night; however, when we're on vacation it ends up being 7 or 8 in the morning and then we're on the go, so sometimes not until 10-10:30 at night.


New member
We usually do 6:15 in the morning, then 5:45 or 6 at night; however, when we're on vacation it ends up being 7 or 8 in the morning and then we're on the go, so sometimes not until 10-10:30 at night.