Tobi to blame for lung colapse due to excesive drying to try collistin



Im in hospital rememer i just recently posted a topic saying that i did so well thursday 35% fev that i workd my ass of for for two months to get! down to 30% ..i thiught i been having diaphram muscle problems because when my lung colapsed i thought i had strained it..well i did but thats not been the issue..we have come to realize im having sever reactions to drying me out excesively no matter how much i drink water..and sunday inwas at the er because my airways tightend up completely!!! Sunday night i came down to my cf specialist an was admited because something i knew was not i been in here and from 3days of tobi my fev droped beyond frustrated! I was doing so well i knw il get it back..but now that im competly cloged up some i concernd when its ready to shift which wil be tomorow i pray it moves easily and i can breathe the best i was feeln like inwas before starting this evil drug ..i was in july for the same feeling on tobi and april when my ljng colapsed i also didnt have pulmozyme so imagine what my airways must have been like when i didnt have the thinner of pulmozyme the tobi straight savaged my airways and dried me out completely which resulted in my lung that hurts me because i wish i knew more then cause i would have prevented this colapse..all i have to say is be careful this drug was not for me..and now im being lookd at starting inhaled colistin or levaquin :) any info ot questions feel free to talk to me ..if it wasnt for me steppn up i stil be inhaling tobi and heading for a secon lung colapse :(


New member
Just a might want to make sure that you are clear that this was just YOU that had problems with Tobi. There are a whole lot of people with CF that have not had problems with it and need it to clear up infections. It worries me when someone gets on here and says a drug is awful and no good because they had a bad experience with it. I worry that new parents or parents with kids who will be using it will be hesitant to try it because of a generalization based on one persons experience. I'm sorry that happened to you, but there are a whole lot of us that have good experiences with it.


I think we all react differently to medications. TOBI has been a lifesaver for me. Literally! I take it every other month and I can't take pulmozyme! I've tried 3x and each time it makes the mucus so loose I can't hurl it up and I get sick and practically drown in it. Yes, my mucus is like glue but I do good CPR and can get leverage on it to cough it out. Colistin made me bleed, bleed, bleed. Doc took me off that and said never again because I was going to embolize. Just saying... We're all different. I really hope you get to feeling better and pray you find something that works for you


Yes everyone is different. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I can't tolerate Tobi either. It tightens my chest up so badly that I can't breathe which sounds like the same thing that's happening to you. I know it feels bad now but your chest should start to feel better in a few days. In the past when I was 'recovering' after Tobi, I stopped doing all inhaled treatments for about 3 days. Otherwise my chest would just tighten back up again. I hope you find something that works.