UPDATE ON DAUGHTER, daughter had surgery last Wednesday, we left hospital on Sunday and did our first feeding at home Sunday night, last night we did second feeding, went better than Sunday, we did 50 ml. and hour for 10 hours. She seems to tolerate well, had a couple of belly aches during the day and they went away minutes later they started, since she started the feeding her appetite during the day is almost non existent. That worries me. She barely ate yesterday. Should I use the feeding tube during the day too? doctors didn't mention any about this and I remember mentioning this to dietitian on our last appointment at CF center and she said they don't recommend feeding blended meals using the tube. What about Boost VHC? Could I give her this during the day using tube? Is it too tick to use tube?. Yesterday she didn't want to drink it because she wasn't hungry.. she drank 1 ounce of Boost VHC at 9 am, then around 12, she had 1 chicken nugget and half glass of whole milk, for dinner half a cup of pinto beans with 2 ts. of oil and half glass of milk. Please give me your advice. Emacsurak, I was wondering about how the tube would reach the belly after going through her legs

no biggie, I should apologize for my silly grammar and spelling. Thanks to all for all the advice and for caring for someone you don't even know. I totally love this site and all the websites that help us to live with CF.