Yes, that is the article. And I totally agree re explaining the reason and making sure no issues. We had never hid so that wasn't an issue. But I was too glib saying "stubborn." It was more likely that it was "hard" for him and he had to work himself up to take it, kinda like when I had to give myself injections and I'd aim 10 times before I could do it! And explaining it as medicine that helps his tummy healthy etc. For me, though, I have the horror of a DIOS hospitalization AND the fact that DS approaches things VERY SLOWLY if given a choice, i.e., it took him 2 years to try an M & M, not withstanding my 20-pounds of extra modeling to show him how yummy they were! So in my mind it wasn't about "you don't eat until you take your medicine" but that this is your medicine and you need to take it." She does recommend doing somewhere else than where they eat so it doesn't interfere with perception of food, i.e., 'that I'll starve you if you don't take" as oppose to "you need to do your medicine" and that we just wait for him to get brave, and it would be that way whether it was antibiotics, enzymes, or whatever he was prescribed. This has worked for everything EXCEPT flagyl, which it did for 3 days to the shock of the pharmacist, but again, he had violent reactions so he just couldn't do it no matter what. And the other time was with real anxiety when he vomited from the enzymes, which after a day we gave him grape juice to calm his anxiety (and also because he wouldn't get sick), and then he worked himself up to it. Anyway, I think its great to have so many different ideas for folks to fit with their views and their little ones temperament!
Also, fyi: She had shared with me some bravey training info which I used for throat cultures and blood draws to much success!!