Toddlers Chest PT


New member
I am wondering how others do their toddlers chest pt? I was told when my son was first diagnosed (at birth) to do front, back and both sides flat then to tilt him and do front, back and both sides again. So we have done it like that ever since but now that he resists treatments so bad its easier to do them while he his sitting up. What do you all think? Thanks


New member
They have said NOT to do the tilt method now. When Reece is in the hosptial they like him to lay on his sides and do the sides, lay on his back to do the front, lay on his front to do the back....BUT alot of times he does sit up and do the front and back. reason for NOT using the tilting is I'm guessing....blood rushing to the brain????? When Reece an infant thats how we did it but they just changed I think. When he is not sick we do the Vest.....(thank God). Hope this helped.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks for letting me know would think the clinic could have let me in on that one. It is such a struggle these days that we really dont do the tilt like we used to. How many minutes do you do each side? We try to do 1 1/2 to 2 mins.

Anyway....Thats so neat that you answered my post. I just got through reading your story on the website. It was so sweet and it touched my heart.


New member
Well we try to do all together 20 min atleast..sometimes 30 if he about 3~4 min on each side.I do 2 min a lobe...I just do 2 lobes on each side,front and back...thats why the vest is sooooo much eaiser. How old is your son?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>MOME2RT</b></i>

They have said NOT to do the tilt method now. When Reece is in the hosptial they like him to lay on his sides and do the sides, lay on his back to do the front, lay on his front to do the back....BUT alot of times he does sit up and do the front and back. reason for NOT using the tilting is I'm guessing....blood rushing to the brain????? When Reece an infant thats how we did it but they just changed I think. When he is not sick we do the Vest.....(thank God). Hope this helped.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Hi Leah,

Have they actually told you for what reasos not to do the tilt method now? My daughter's physio tells us to do it. Confused now!

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
The reason for them now advising not to do the tilt is because many cfers suffer from acid reflux and this adds to the discomfort.

I am guessing your toddler is now very active with running and jumping so I would have to say that it would be easier if he didn't like the sitting up PT because he would probably do enough to compensate for that position already. But the lying down position is not catered for so much by an active child so if you can then I would suggest doing the lying down PT.....BUT in saying that, I have 2 kids of my own and what I want to do and what they want to do and almost always very different things. So my final advice is do what you can and don't worry if he is healthy, but in times of sickness try to persist with the lying down PT.

Maybe try letting him blow bubbles in the air while he's lying down and you are doing his PT. God knows I have tried millions of things just to get them to sit still.


New member
My son is 2 1/2 years old. When do they teach you a different way of doing chest pt? I know it has to change a little as they get older. I am still doing it the same way I did when he was an infant. I dont really know how to do each lobe.


New member
They really didnt teach me a new method.....he started the vest when he was about 1 1/2yrs old. I just watched the RTs when he was in the hosptial. The last time Reece was in the hosptial...May 1~5th....they said NOT to do the tilt method....BUT I had heard that awhile back. Leah


New member
Our doctor indicated that it's not necessary to tilt/recline someone during CPT, because the CPT itself moves the mucus up and out. And you figure with the vest one isn't practically standing on their head to do that so.... We just do flat on the back and stomach -- 3 minutes upper chest, mid chest, armpits, upper back, middle back. Liza aka ratatosk


New member
When we were at the hospital they told us to have them laying on the stomach with the head kinda haning off the knee a little bit ( not enough were they are tilted just shifted a little this is so the mucus will floew down and out)...also they told us to do the upper lobe first then the bottom the reason for this is if you do the bottom the mucus doesn't get anywhere because the mucus on top is in the way if you do the top first then the bottom mucus has somewhere to go.


New member
I know therapists & clinics vary with the tilting for treatments. I will say that it makes a difference for me. When I am in the hospital I try to lay down for a bit BEFORE they start the clapping & that alone helps me bring stuff up. MY clinic still tilts unless I am having airway problems & my O2 sats drop.