Yeah, he's been on Cipro; but rarely... and not until he was older and already tippy toeing. And I'm pretty certain that it's just a habit (from what I've read it's not an unusual habit - I've known others also). And of course there are all those admonishments like from "doom and gloom girl" Buckeye (saying it jokingly... ha ha) that you should make sure it's not related to something more serious. It's not on the top of my concern list right now (as he is thriving in school and I don't see signs of any type of neurological disorder), but I'm not sweeping it under the rug either. For now we are going to work on breaking the habit - and if it can't be broken, the doctor will certainly get a call from me. Yeah, because we really need to add another specialist to our list of docs and have him undergo more testing. Whoo hooo! We can have something to look forward to in 2008!
Still, if any of you are closet toe walkers - I'd love to hear about it!
You all have a great Christmas!