tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy


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mom4holly -

did you notice if your daughter's sinus or health in general improved at all after the tonsilectomy/adnoidectome? I ask because my 3.5yr old will not gain weight and while i know that's a problem most CFers face, I was small and battled tonsillitus continuously until i had them taken out when i was 13. I was always stick thin, but after the surgery i gained fast...and for the first time i could breathe through my nose - it was an amazing experience. My son has sinus problems and ear infections....i keep wondering if the tonsilectomy/adnoidectomy might help him to gain weight like it did with me.

anyway - back to my main question - what type of improvements did you see in your daughter after having the surgery?

mom to Hunter 3.5 w/CF (dx at 5mo after nearly dying from malnutrition)


New member
mom4holly -

did you notice if your daughter's sinus or health in general improved at all after the tonsilectomy/adnoidectome? I ask because my 3.5yr old will not gain weight and while i know that's a problem most CFers face, I was small and battled tonsillitus continuously until i had them taken out when i was 13. I was always stick thin, but after the surgery i gained fast...and for the first time i could breathe through my nose - it was an amazing experience. My son has sinus problems and ear infections....i keep wondering if the tonsilectomy/adnoidectomy might help him to gain weight like it did with me.

anyway - back to my main question - what type of improvements did you see in your daughter after having the surgery?

mom to Hunter 3.5 w/CF (dx at 5mo after nearly dying from malnutrition)


New member
mom4holly -

did you notice if your daughter's sinus or health in general improved at all after the tonsilectomy/adnoidectome? I ask because my 3.5yr old will not gain weight and while i know that's a problem most CFers face, I was small and battled tonsillitus continuously until i had them taken out when i was 13. I was always stick thin, but after the surgery i gained fast...and for the first time i could breathe through my nose - it was an amazing experience. My son has sinus problems and ear infections....i keep wondering if the tonsilectomy/adnoidectomy might help him to gain weight like it did with me.

anyway - back to my main question - what type of improvements did you see in your daughter after having the surgery?

mom to Hunter 3.5 w/CF (dx at 5mo after nearly dying from malnutrition)


New member
mom4holly -

did you notice if your daughter's sinus or health in general improved at all after the tonsilectomy/adnoidectome? I ask because my 3.5yr old will not gain weight and while i know that's a problem most CFers face, I was small and battled tonsillitus continuously until i had them taken out when i was 13. I was always stick thin, but after the surgery i gained fast...and for the first time i could breathe through my nose - it was an amazing experience. My son has sinus problems and ear infections....i keep wondering if the tonsilectomy/adnoidectomy might help him to gain weight like it did with me.

anyway - back to my main question - what type of improvements did you see in your daughter after having the surgery?

mom to Hunter 3.5 w/CF (dx at 5mo after nearly dying from malnutrition)


New member
mom4holly -

did you notice if your daughter's sinus or health in general improved at all after the tonsilectomy/adnoidectome? I ask because my 3.5yr old will not gain weight and while i know that's a problem most CFers face, I was small and battled tonsillitus continuously until i had them taken out when i was 13. I was always stick thin, but after the surgery i gained fast...and for the first time i could breathe through my nose - it was an amazing experience. My son has sinus problems and ear infections....i keep wondering if the tonsilectomy/adnoidectomy might help him to gain weight like it did with me.

anyway - back to my main question - what type of improvements did you see in your daughter after having the surgery?

mom to Hunter 3.5 w/CF (dx at 5mo after nearly dying from malnutrition)


New member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it did not help my daughter at all. she has still had a chronic sinus infection since, breathing has not changed because of this. The only plus is that she hasn't had strep since.

I have heard of good results from others though. my daughter didn't have a weight problem before surgery because she is pancreatic sufficient.

good luck. i hope you get to meet with the ENT & speak to them about teh pros & cons before the time needed.


New member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it did not help my daughter at all. she has still had a chronic sinus infection since, breathing has not changed because of this. The only plus is that she hasn't had strep since.

I have heard of good results from others though. my daughter didn't have a weight problem before surgery because she is pancreatic sufficient.

good luck. i hope you get to meet with the ENT & speak to them about teh pros & cons before the time needed.


New member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it did not help my daughter at all. she has still had a chronic sinus infection since, breathing has not changed because of this. The only plus is that she hasn't had strep since.

I have heard of good results from others though. my daughter didn't have a weight problem before surgery because she is pancreatic sufficient.

good luck. i hope you get to meet with the ENT & speak to them about teh pros & cons before the time needed.


New member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it did not help my daughter at all. she has still had a chronic sinus infection since, breathing has not changed because of this. The only plus is that she hasn't had strep since.

I have heard of good results from others though. my daughter didn't have a weight problem before surgery because she is pancreatic sufficient.

good luck. i hope you get to meet with the ENT & speak to them about teh pros & cons before the time needed.


New member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it did not help my daughter at all. she has still had a chronic sinus infection since, breathing has not changed because of this. The only plus is that she hasn't had strep since.

I have heard of good results from others though. my daughter didn't have a weight problem before surgery because she is pancreatic sufficient.

good luck. i hope you get to meet with the ENT & speak to them about teh pros & cons before the time needed.


New member
My almost 6 yr old son had his adenoids taken out when he was about 2.5 during one of his ear tube surgeries (he has had five so far.) Prior to this he always seemed to have a bad cold with a cough, runny nose, etc (we didn't think too much about it since we didn't know he had CF and was in daycare). He never really had any just sinus problems though. His health was so much better after the surgery. His ENT said is was because of the adenoid removal. They have not take his tonsils out (even though they are enlarged and I have asked them too) since they are not causing him any problems.


New member
My almost 6 yr old son had his adenoids taken out when he was about 2.5 during one of his ear tube surgeries (he has had five so far.) Prior to this he always seemed to have a bad cold with a cough, runny nose, etc (we didn't think too much about it since we didn't know he had CF and was in daycare). He never really had any just sinus problems though. His health was so much better after the surgery. His ENT said is was because of the adenoid removal. They have not take his tonsils out (even though they are enlarged and I have asked them too) since they are not causing him any problems.


New member
My almost 6 yr old son had his adenoids taken out when he was about 2.5 during one of his ear tube surgeries (he has had five so far.) Prior to this he always seemed to have a bad cold with a cough, runny nose, etc (we didn't think too much about it since we didn't know he had CF and was in daycare). He never really had any just sinus problems though. His health was so much better after the surgery. His ENT said is was because of the adenoid removal. They have not take his tonsils out (even though they are enlarged and I have asked them too) since they are not causing him any problems.


New member
My almost 6 yr old son had his adenoids taken out when he was about 2.5 during one of his ear tube surgeries (he has had five so far.) Prior to this he always seemed to have a bad cold with a cough, runny nose, etc (we didn't think too much about it since we didn't know he had CF and was in daycare). He never really had any just sinus problems though. His health was so much better after the surgery. His ENT said is was because of the adenoid removal. They have not take his tonsils out (even though they are enlarged and I have asked them too) since they are not causing him any problems.


New member
My almost 6 yr old son had his adenoids taken out when he was about 2.5 during one of his ear tube surgeries (he has had five so far.) Prior to this he always seemed to have a bad cold with a cough, runny nose, etc (we didn't think too much about it since we didn't know he had CF and was in daycare). He never really had any just sinus problems though. His health was so much better after the surgery. His ENT said is was because of the adenoid removal. They have not take his tonsils out (even though they are enlarged and I have asked them too) since they are not causing him any problems.