Too Healthy for Pleurisy?


New member

Ok, so for the past month or so I've had this pain on the right side of my chest, on my side-like 4 inches or so directly below my underarm, and two inches to the right of my boob.

It's been a low, dull ache. Which is why I haven't gone to the doc about it at all. And in the past week its been worse. Sometimes when I reach a certain way it feels worse, or if I take a deep breath.

I was thinking pleurisy-but the thing is I've had pleurisy-when I was 17 or so, and it doesn't feel like that. Granted that was a long time ago. But the thing is, my pfts are higher than they've ever been in my life. I am literally healthier than I've felt in years. No bad looking mucus, nothing. I don't see how it is that.

The only thing I could think of is I had a bad fall off my porch while trying to catch my dog, and I slipped and cracked my back right in the center spine, that was a about a month ago. And then, last week I had a VERY bad fall off of a fast moving golf cart on my farm. I know that sounds ridiculous, but there was NO alcohol involved! My 3 yrd old nephew was on it, and he was slipping off, I went to grab for him and we fell off together. He was ok, thank god-but I took the full brunt of the fall, and it was bad. I got a concussion (sp?) and they almost took me to the hospital!

So-anyway-I'd appreciate any thoughts on this! If its a bad muscle strain or even a broken rib-there's really nothing that can be done about it. And I can't see it being pleuresy b/c my numbers are so high and I'm feeling good.



New member
I dont think its pleuresy. I know when I have had physical exertion that I am not use to or its unexpected exertion like what you have had with your "accidents' that it takes me a long time to bounce back. One time I went bowling & was so sore for so long that I got scared & called Donna in the Clinic. She & Dr. W agreed that as long as its being controlled with tylenol ok & its not affecting my breathing that its not anything to worry about. The pleuresy I have had in the past is managed with Motrin, but the pain never completely goes away.


New member
What do you mean the pain never completely goes away with pleuresy? You mean that even after you get it you have the pain from it forever?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Scarlett81</b></i>


What do you mean the pain never completely goes away with pleuresy? You mean that even after you get it you have the pain from it forever?</end quote></div>

NO, NO....SORRY didnt mean to put you in a panic. I meant that while the "episode" of pleuresy is occuring, you can ease it a bit (take the edge off), but for me its still quite bad, but more tolerable. It doesnt disappear like a headache usually does after taking a pain reliever. Once the "episode" is over I dont feel any pain until the next time. Hope that clears it up!