New member
Reece has been outta school since Thanksgiving break. Just because he hasnt been feeling well or the weather has been nasty. Today he finally feels like going & Im nervous that he'll catch something right away. Hes on 2 orals right now, but I know that doesnt make colds stay away. They are good about washing their hands & all that jazz but I still worry. He hasnt been to church either in a good while, or I havent taken him to Walmart, mall etc. I know its good to build his immune system up but he just hasnt felt like going anywhere.

Plus when he started in Sept. he was was in the hospital in Oct. & again in Dec. So Im really rethinking this school thing. I may have to homeschool him so he will stay healthier. But then again I worry about his social life,yeah I can put him in sports or whatever but.....I dont know. Im just thinking out loud. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

When do yall usually send your kids back after they have been sick or on antiboitcs? How do you prevent them from getting sick AGAIN!!!!!!


New member
Reece has been outta school since Thanksgiving break. Just because he hasnt been feeling well or the weather has been nasty. Today he finally feels like going & Im nervous that he'll catch something right away. Hes on 2 orals right now, but I know that doesnt make colds stay away. They are good about washing their hands & all that jazz but I still worry. He hasnt been to church either in a good while, or I havent taken him to Walmart, mall etc. I know its good to build his immune system up but he just hasnt felt like going anywhere.

Plus when he started in Sept. he was was in the hospital in Oct. & again in Dec. So Im really rethinking this school thing. I may have to homeschool him so he will stay healthier. But then again I worry about his social life,yeah I can put him in sports or whatever but.....I dont know. Im just thinking out loud. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

When do yall usually send your kids back after they have been sick or on antiboitcs? How do you prevent them from getting sick AGAIN!!!!!!


New member
Reece has been outta school since Thanksgiving break. Just because he hasnt been feeling well or the weather has been nasty. Today he finally feels like going & Im nervous that he'll catch something right away. Hes on 2 orals right now, but I know that doesnt make colds stay away. They are good about washing their hands & all that jazz but I still worry. He hasnt been to church either in a good while, or I havent taken him to Walmart, mall etc. I know its good to build his immune system up but he just hasnt felt like going anywhere.

Plus when he started in Sept. he was was in the hospital in Oct. & again in Dec. So Im really rethinking this school thing. I may have to homeschool him so he will stay healthier. But then again I worry about his social life,yeah I can put him in sports or whatever but.....I dont know. Im just thinking out loud. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

When do yall usually send your kids back after they have been sick or on antiboitcs? How do you prevent them from getting sick AGAIN!!!!!!


New member
My daughter goes to school while she is on IV"S, she sleeps in the hospital but still attends school, so as to keep the social life and school work going.

You can't stop him from getting more viruses ect.. other than hygiene and even hygiene won't stop
air born (sp) bugs.

We would all love to wrap our kids in cotton wool and not let them get hurt or sick as much as possible,
but it wouldn't be fair on the child then especially as they get older. They need to get out and experience life even at the risk of getting sick.

So long as you keep up with his meds and therapy and tune-ups, he should be fine <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I am giving my daughter garlic tablets to help keep the colds at bay. I may even use echinacea and horseradish as well. I dunno If it will work but we shall see<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Also aromatherapy helps Kj when she starts to get a cold as well. she seems to get over colds quicker when i do this. zinc is another thing that helps with colds though you might already have this in his vitamins.

I hope you get to feeling not so stressed soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It can all get really confusing and scary at times, so its good to vent a bit.


New member
My daughter goes to school while she is on IV"S, she sleeps in the hospital but still attends school, so as to keep the social life and school work going.

You can't stop him from getting more viruses ect.. other than hygiene and even hygiene won't stop
air born (sp) bugs.

We would all love to wrap our kids in cotton wool and not let them get hurt or sick as much as possible,
but it wouldn't be fair on the child then especially as they get older. They need to get out and experience life even at the risk of getting sick.

So long as you keep up with his meds and therapy and tune-ups, he should be fine <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I am giving my daughter garlic tablets to help keep the colds at bay. I may even use echinacea and horseradish as well. I dunno If it will work but we shall see<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Also aromatherapy helps Kj when she starts to get a cold as well. she seems to get over colds quicker when i do this. zinc is another thing that helps with colds though you might already have this in his vitamins.

I hope you get to feeling not so stressed soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It can all get really confusing and scary at times, so its good to vent a bit.


New member
My daughter goes to school while she is on IV"S, she sleeps in the hospital but still attends school, so as to keep the social life and school work going.

You can't stop him from getting more viruses ect.. other than hygiene and even hygiene won't stop
air born (sp) bugs.

We would all love to wrap our kids in cotton wool and not let them get hurt or sick as much as possible,
but it wouldn't be fair on the child then especially as they get older. They need to get out and experience life even at the risk of getting sick.

So long as you keep up with his meds and therapy and tune-ups, he should be fine <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I am giving my daughter garlic tablets to help keep the colds at bay. I may even use echinacea and horseradish as well. I dunno If it will work but we shall see<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Also aromatherapy helps Kj when she starts to get a cold as well. she seems to get over colds quicker when i do this. zinc is another thing that helps with colds though you might already have this in his vitamins.

I hope you get to feeling not so stressed soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> It can all get really confusing and scary at times, so its good to vent a bit.


New member
My boy w/CF will be 4 in April. He goes to preschool 3x per week for half-days. Since starting school this past September, he's not been on anything heavier than augmentin for colds and we send him to school so long as he's not going to make everybody else sick. In school or out, at least half of his playmates/schoolmates usually have some sort of bug so we emphasize good hygiene practices and cross our fingers. His CF doctors have said that he is not going to catch the bad CF bugs from his non-CF playmates because those bugs just don't grow/populate non-CF people...


New member
My boy w/CF will be 4 in April. He goes to preschool 3x per week for half-days. Since starting school this past September, he's not been on anything heavier than augmentin for colds and we send him to school so long as he's not going to make everybody else sick. In school or out, at least half of his playmates/schoolmates usually have some sort of bug so we emphasize good hygiene practices and cross our fingers. His CF doctors have said that he is not going to catch the bad CF bugs from his non-CF playmates because those bugs just don't grow/populate non-CF people...


New member
My boy w/CF will be 4 in April. He goes to preschool 3x per week for half-days. Since starting school this past September, he's not been on anything heavier than augmentin for colds and we send him to school so long as he's not going to make everybody else sick. In school or out, at least half of his playmates/schoolmates usually have some sort of bug so we emphasize good hygiene practices and cross our fingers. His CF doctors have said that he is not going to catch the bad CF bugs from his non-CF playmates because those bugs just don't grow/populate non-CF people...


Staff member
When DS has had an ear infection, sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, we usually keep him home when he has a fever or if he's sleeping more, seems under the weather. But he LOVES going to school, loves seeing his friends, playing, so if he's back to himself, we send him.

As far as trying to keep him from getting sick again. We just try to stress proper hand washing. Use saline rinses if he gets boogery. If we go to the park or indoor playground, he usually gets tossed in the tub when we get home or we scrub his hands really good.

A friend of mine swears by bathing her kids right away when they get home from school. Said ever since she started doing that -- changing them out of their play/school clothes and throwing them in the tub, the number of colds and bugs have decreased significantly. Worth a try I suppose.


Staff member
When DS has had an ear infection, sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, we usually keep him home when he has a fever or if he's sleeping more, seems under the weather. But he LOVES going to school, loves seeing his friends, playing, so if he's back to himself, we send him.

As far as trying to keep him from getting sick again. We just try to stress proper hand washing. Use saline rinses if he gets boogery. If we go to the park or indoor playground, he usually gets tossed in the tub when we get home or we scrub his hands really good.

A friend of mine swears by bathing her kids right away when they get home from school. Said ever since she started doing that -- changing them out of their play/school clothes and throwing them in the tub, the number of colds and bugs have decreased significantly. Worth a try I suppose.


Staff member
When DS has had an ear infection, sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, we usually keep him home when he has a fever or if he's sleeping more, seems under the weather. But he LOVES going to school, loves seeing his friends, playing, so if he's back to himself, we send him.

As far as trying to keep him from getting sick again. We just try to stress proper hand washing. Use saline rinses if he gets boogery. If we go to the park or indoor playground, he usually gets tossed in the tub when we get home or we scrub his hands really good.

A friend of mine swears by bathing her kids right away when they get home from school. Said ever since she started doing that -- changing them out of their play/school clothes and throwing them in the tub, the number of colds and bugs have decreased significantly. Worth a try I suppose.


New member
Thanks guys! Liza how do you do the saline flushes.....I can barely get the Nasonex in (usually do it when hes asleep) He HATES anything that goes in his ears & nose!

Reece LOVES school too thats why I hate for him to miss. When he got there this morning the first thing he told everybody was he had some puppies that needed homes! I just love to see him with his friends, they are sooooo cute!


New member
Thanks guys! Liza how do you do the saline flushes.....I can barely get the Nasonex in (usually do it when hes asleep) He HATES anything that goes in his ears & nose!

Reece LOVES school too thats why I hate for him to miss. When he got there this morning the first thing he told everybody was he had some puppies that needed homes! I just love to see him with his friends, they are sooooo cute!


New member
Thanks guys! Liza how do you do the saline flushes.....I can barely get the Nasonex in (usually do it when hes asleep) He HATES anything that goes in his ears & nose!

Reece LOVES school too thats why I hate for him to miss. When he got there this morning the first thing he told everybody was he had some puppies that needed homes! I just love to see him with his friends, they are sooooo cute!


New member
Our daughter has caught two viruses - one over the winter break and one over the MLK break which was extended by bad weather and roads. Both times she had not seen a sole but us, and had not been anywhere, for days and days. Her normal schedule is full-day preschool and after-school care (on location) MWF and a home-based babysitter Tues/Thurs.

We feel fortunate about both situations - the school is VERY good about hand-washing, nose wiping, etc. We also personally pay for an Ozarka water dispenser in the classroom to at least give an alternative to the water fountain. And our babysitter INVENTED hand-gel sanitizer, I swear!

I've seen others post this before - Katy seems to be the healthiest of all of her classmates and doesn't seem to catch the colds, etc. as they go around. The two mystery viruses must have been brought home by me or hubby and she just hadn't encountered them in her little life yet.......?

We haven't had any hospital stays yet so I don't feel qualified to give you advice. I do know, though, that I question if I'm doing enough, so I can at least identify with you there.

Mom to Katy (3, cf) and Kyra (6, no cf)


New member
Our daughter has caught two viruses - one over the winter break and one over the MLK break which was extended by bad weather and roads. Both times she had not seen a sole but us, and had not been anywhere, for days and days. Her normal schedule is full-day preschool and after-school care (on location) MWF and a home-based babysitter Tues/Thurs.

We feel fortunate about both situations - the school is VERY good about hand-washing, nose wiping, etc. We also personally pay for an Ozarka water dispenser in the classroom to at least give an alternative to the water fountain. And our babysitter INVENTED hand-gel sanitizer, I swear!

I've seen others post this before - Katy seems to be the healthiest of all of her classmates and doesn't seem to catch the colds, etc. as they go around. The two mystery viruses must have been brought home by me or hubby and she just hadn't encountered them in her little life yet.......?

We haven't had any hospital stays yet so I don't feel qualified to give you advice. I do know, though, that I question if I'm doing enough, so I can at least identify with you there.

Mom to Katy (3, cf) and Kyra (6, no cf)


New member
Our daughter has caught two viruses - one over the winter break and one over the MLK break which was extended by bad weather and roads. Both times she had not seen a sole but us, and had not been anywhere, for days and days. Her normal schedule is full-day preschool and after-school care (on location) MWF and a home-based babysitter Tues/Thurs.

We feel fortunate about both situations - the school is VERY good about hand-washing, nose wiping, etc. We also personally pay for an Ozarka water dispenser in the classroom to at least give an alternative to the water fountain. And our babysitter INVENTED hand-gel sanitizer, I swear!

I've seen others post this before - Katy seems to be the healthiest of all of her classmates and doesn't seem to catch the colds, etc. as they go around. The two mystery viruses must have been brought home by me or hubby and she just hadn't encountered them in her little life yet.......?

We haven't had any hospital stays yet so I don't feel qualified to give you advice. I do know, though, that I question if I'm doing enough, so I can at least identify with you there.

Mom to Katy (3, cf) and Kyra (6, no cf)


Staff member
We switched to simply saline, which is an aerosol -- comes in .9% and 3%. Mainly because with regular saline, it ended up acting like a bulb syringe and sucking his boogies back into the chamber. Bleah! With this stuff the stream is a lot milder, although he didn't really like it at first. Now he's figured out how to adminster it himself -- probably 'cuz the saline runs out of his nose and he sticks his tongue out. Toddlers -- bleah! But that's what we've been using lately. I can get the regular simply saline .9% at walmart and have ordered the 3% (blue container) of Simply Saline online, though my mom has gotten it at the Target pharmacy for herself.

IMO, socialization is so important, too. One of our fears when DS was first diagnosed was that he'd be the lonely, sickly boy that no one would play with. He's soooo outgoing and soooo social, so if he's able to participate in preschool, etc. we send him.


Staff member
We switched to simply saline, which is an aerosol -- comes in .9% and 3%. Mainly because with regular saline, it ended up acting like a bulb syringe and sucking his boogies back into the chamber. Bleah! With this stuff the stream is a lot milder, although he didn't really like it at first. Now he's figured out how to adminster it himself -- probably 'cuz the saline runs out of his nose and he sticks his tongue out. Toddlers -- bleah! But that's what we've been using lately. I can get the regular simply saline .9% at walmart and have ordered the 3% (blue container) of Simply Saline online, though my mom has gotten it at the Target pharmacy for herself.

IMO, socialization is so important, too. One of our fears when DS was first diagnosed was that he'd be the lonely, sickly boy that no one would play with. He's soooo outgoing and soooo social, so if he's able to participate in preschool, etc. we send him.