Ever since DS first got teeth at about 8 months, I noticed real dark spots on the bottom teeth, inside. I worried that they were rotting, decayed 'cuz I'd give him white grape juice once in awhile. Last spring we took him to the dentist for a look and we were told there was a LOT of buildup on his teeth. We'd been brushing twice a day with baby (non-flouride) tooth paste. I switched him to kids toothpaste, and managed to get the build up off the top teeth, but those bottom teeth worried me.
Last week we took him back for a cleaning and the hygenist worked like heck and got the bottom ones relatively clean. The dentist indicated again that it was staining, not decay. Could be caused by reflux. He didn't think it was caused by adeks or antibiotics or the sugar in the actigall. He kept stressing that it was stain. I just keep wondering what the heck could be staining his teeth so badly. It's brownish, right along the gumline. I still think adeks. Any other ideas? He's not a big candy eater, juice drinking. Prefer white carnation instant breakfast to chocolate...
Meanwhile, I keep trying to brush his teeth. Ornery child thinks I'm messing up his teeth by brushing them. Announced several times this past weekend to relatives that "mommy brushed my clean teeth" as if that's a BAD thing. Toddlers.
Last week we took him back for a cleaning and the hygenist worked like heck and got the bottom ones relatively clean. The dentist indicated again that it was staining, not decay. Could be caused by reflux. He didn't think it was caused by adeks or antibiotics or the sugar in the actigall. He kept stressing that it was stain. I just keep wondering what the heck could be staining his teeth so badly. It's brownish, right along the gumline. I still think adeks. Any other ideas? He's not a big candy eater, juice drinking. Prefer white carnation instant breakfast to chocolate...
Meanwhile, I keep trying to brush his teeth. Ornery child thinks I'm messing up his teeth by brushing them. Announced several times this past weekend to relatives that "mommy brushed my clean teeth" as if that's a BAD thing. Toddlers.