top five


New member
<P>I'm in a bad mood so I want to start a thread. </P>
<P>Top five things that make you mad, annoyed, or PO.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>1. time it takes for treatments and everything else</P>
<P>2. celebrities on tv</P>
<P>3. media and television (i don't even have tv!)</P>
<P>4. not being able to run fast and long</P>
<P>5. always being reminded of how genetically screwed up I am</P>
<P>6. coughing constantly, incessantly, and never catching my breath</P>
<P> </P>
<P>ok that was six</P>


New member
<br>Also people who ask ignorant and stupid questions about blind people. Like once someone asked me if I cry. I can't say what I wanted to do to that person on here, too graphic for the forums.


My top 5

1. Time it takes for treatments.
2. Waking my boy up at 6 a.m. every morning so he can vest and nebulize and still get to school.
3. Explaining that indeed my son does have a 504 condition, that while he looks fine, that is a result of 1 1/2 hours of treatments each and every day!
4. Dealing with the bureaucracy of schools, governments and health insurance to explain my sons condition, and have to explain it again and again to the same group whenever I get a new person.
5. Politicians who add to the problems of this nation instead of helping to solve them!


New member
I can't imagine being a parent that has a child w cf and how hard it must be to try and balance 'normalcy' with 'disability'.
It is so frustrating dealing with ignorant people and especially if it was your child who you are trying to care for without making them feel 'retarded'. (for lack of a better word)
Kids should be kids. Do you know how much more character they are building because of this adversity. Your child is magnificent and will forever be changed because of the challenges he or she faces.

Try to stay positive in the midst of the frustrations. But it does feel good to vent once in a while. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
1. not feeling reciprocated as far as listening to problems!
2. not feeling understood by my family, or others for that matter.
3. ignorant, cruel people.
4. happy, goofy doctors.
5. incredibly negative people who only complain and never seem content about ANYTHING!!!!


New member
I agree with the one about blind (and visually impaired) people. I went to a school for the blind and one of my friends who is completely blind was asked how he eats. Also Helen keller got everyone thinking that if your blind, you must be deaf too.


New member
1. Breaking multiple ribs from coughing
2. Saying to my kids "not now honey, mommy needs to rest a few minutes" (thankfully rare)
3 Having someone say to me "CF isnt a serious disease, they have all these new treatments that fixed it"
4. People who stress over a broken fingernail when I am worried about living to see my daughters graduate
5. Not being able to see all my daughters gymnastics meets because staying in hotel is so hard on my lungs

OK, and I MISS dairy, fat, sugar, carbos, and all the other bad crap I cant eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Super Moderator
1. Judgemental people
2. People who complain about how their life sucks. (oh please, there's always someone worse off than you) Besides, your life is what you make of it.
3. The media, always drastically changing any kind of story. I feel bad for SOME famous peopele. Then again, fame comes with a price to pay.
4. Know-it-all doctors who think they can treat you however they want because they have a degree in medicine. They seem to always be right no matter what you say.
5. Lastly, I hate how taking care of myself feels like a JOB itself.

I think it's safe to say that human beings are pretty annoying to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


Active member
I prefer to be thankful for what I have.
I ask that people will put up with my short comings.
I'm greatful that researchers found treatments that benefit me.
I'm happy that kind people raised the money to fund that research
I am thankful that I'm still alive and able to find the time for treatments.
I'm really glad that I'm able to cough because it cleans my lungs and keeps me alive.
I'm glad that I live in a country where EVERYONE can be insured regardless of PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS.
I'm glad that I have family around me even if they don't have a clue about CF.


1. coughing for 3 hrs. and not havg secretions - coughing at bedtime and having a cupfull
2. coughing when laughing and so scared a big plug is going to land on someone even though I always have my hand over my mouth
3. would you like a candy
4. oh dear I hope you don't smoke that sounds terrible
5. people not really understaing just how bad I feel as I hide so much and always have but I am to blame for that one
6. hate to hear others people's aches and pains alot of people do not know abt my Cf I always just said bad asthma my fault again
7. not being able to go salsa dancing anymore as it takes the wind out of me
8. overall having anger days
I wemt over 6 sorry