Toys For CF


New member
Hey folks, my wife and I had an idea that seems to be getting a ton of positive responses. We decided to do a Toys for CF drive this year. The idea is very simple, try to collect as many toys as we can via our volunteer toy drop locations around town. Then take the toys to the CF Care center in the area just before Christmas. The toys will be given to the kids for them to take home with them. Any toys left over will stay at the hospital and given to kids as the check in throughout the year.

Check out our website

You'll notice that this is really just for the Houston area. Maybe if it goes well we can look at expanding the event to some other city's next year.

Anyway, if you happen to be in the area of know anyone that lives in the area please help us out by getting the word out. Share the website on facebook, twitter, etc... You can do it directly from the website.

Also, you can subscribe to our newsletter on the website, so don't for get to do that.

Thanks everyone and Happy Thanksgiving,
