
New member
Hi everyone, It's Lindsay again.
Good news, and scary news.
I'll start with the good news.
They're finally letting Erin eat again!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
They gave her back her portagen once every three hours (60cc) I wish all of you could see how happy she is!!
Scary news...
She's scheduled tomorrow at 11:00am to have a central IV in for her TPN. This is how she'll be getting her nutrition. Her reverse surgery is scheduled for not this Monday but the Monday after and She'll be on the central IV up to that point. they're basically just giving her her bottle to make her happy. (works for me!!)
Has anybody had any experiences with the central IV's?? The doctors seem to be REALLY optimistic in thinking this will work!!


New member
I don't know anything about the TPN, but have been reading your prior posts about Erin. Congrats on getting her bottle back! Good luck for the surgery & the TPN.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
Lindsay congrats on your little girl getting her bottle back.. Man she must be a fighter if she already one that battle<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Where are they putting her IV. When I was a baby I had a blockage in my intestine so they had to remove part of it. It wasn't meconin ilius but something else. Anyway I had an IV in my head and it worked great. It was just hard for my mom to see it there.

Emilee with 2 E's


New member
Hi guys.
They put her IV in her chest... that's where the TPN will go. It's "Total Parental Nutrition" or something like that... It's nutrition that I guess is better than breast milk... and some babies just have to have it. (Even babies without CF). It will help her gain weight faster. However... Erin has had several IV's in her feet, hands, arms and head... and yes it is EXTREMELY hard to look at. But thank god, she won't remember any of this. Which is what people keep saying to me but the thing is... I realize she won't remember it but she's going through it now. And I'm not looking too much into the future... if I do that, I'll go crazy!! right now she's going through all of this, and right now is what hurts...