Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care


New member
I'm 39 years old and have been seeing the same doctor for over thirty years.
In our center, they have three pulmonologist and one general practitioner. The three pulmo guys see everyove from babies to adults. The GP mainly sees the adult patients to deal with adult problems. The doctor's at our clinic are constantly conferring with each other. Our adult appointments are generally held Wednesday or Thursday afternoons, but if your sick, they'll get you in when needed.
Most of the adults, as far as I know, have been under the care of the same docs since they we're peds. I like that because they know my history and are able to track my progress, or lack there of, over the years.
I don't know how many patients attend our center.



New member
I'm 39 years old and have been seeing the same doctor for over thirty years.
In our center, they have three pulmonologist and one general practitioner. The three pulmo guys see everyove from babies to adults. The GP mainly sees the adult patients to deal with adult problems. The doctor's at our clinic are constantly conferring with each other. Our adult appointments are generally held Wednesday or Thursday afternoons, but if your sick, they'll get you in when needed.
Most of the adults, as far as I know, have been under the care of the same docs since they we're peds. I like that because they know my history and are able to track my progress, or lack there of, over the years.
I don't know how many patients attend our center.



New member
I'm 39 years old and have been seeing the same doctor for over thirty years.
In our center, they have three pulmonologist and one general practitioner. The three pulmo guys see everyove from babies to adults. The GP mainly sees the adult patients to deal with adult problems. The doctor's at our clinic are constantly conferring with each other. Our adult appointments are generally held Wednesday or Thursday afternoons, but if your sick, they'll get you in when needed.
Most of the adults, as far as I know, have been under the care of the same docs since they we're peds. I like that because they know my history and are able to track my progress, or lack there of, over the years.
I don't know how many patients attend our center.



New member
I'm 39 years old and have been seeing the same doctor for over thirty years.
In our center, they have three pulmonologist and one general practitioner. The three pulmo guys see everyove from babies to adults. The GP mainly sees the adult patients to deal with adult problems. The doctor's at our clinic are constantly conferring with each other. Our adult appointments are generally held Wednesday or Thursday afternoons, but if your sick, they'll get you in when needed.
Most of the adults, as far as I know, have been under the care of the same docs since they we're peds. I like that because they know my history and are able to track my progress, or lack there of, over the years.
I don't know how many patients attend our center.



New member
I'm 39 years old and have been seeing the same doctor for over thirty years.
<br />In our center, they have three pulmonologist and one general practitioner. The three pulmo guys see everyove from babies to adults. The GP mainly sees the adult patients to deal with adult problems. The doctor's at our clinic are constantly conferring with each other. Our adult appointments are generally held Wednesday or Thursday afternoons, but if your sick, they'll get you in when needed.
<br />Most of the adults, as far as I know, have been under the care of the same docs since they we're peds. I like that because they know my history and are able to track my progress, or lack there of, over the years.
<br />I don't know how many patients attend our center.
<br />
<br />Mark


New member
I really like my adult clinic. Lets face it, as adults we have different issues to deal with. There is increased chances of arthritis, diabetes, osteoperosis, not to mention "normal" adult issues: sexual health, family planning, working. My clinic is set up to deal with all of these things. My transition was pretty easy, there is a doc who floats between children's and adults. Good luck. I agree that you should voice your concerns, but do try to give them a chance before you decide whether or not you like it.


New member
I really like my adult clinic. Lets face it, as adults we have different issues to deal with. There is increased chances of arthritis, diabetes, osteoperosis, not to mention "normal" adult issues: sexual health, family planning, working. My clinic is set up to deal with all of these things. My transition was pretty easy, there is a doc who floats between children's and adults. Good luck. I agree that you should voice your concerns, but do try to give them a chance before you decide whether or not you like it.


New member
I really like my adult clinic. Lets face it, as adults we have different issues to deal with. There is increased chances of arthritis, diabetes, osteoperosis, not to mention "normal" adult issues: sexual health, family planning, working. My clinic is set up to deal with all of these things. My transition was pretty easy, there is a doc who floats between children's and adults. Good luck. I agree that you should voice your concerns, but do try to give them a chance before you decide whether or not you like it.


New member
I really like my adult clinic. Lets face it, as adults we have different issues to deal with. There is increased chances of arthritis, diabetes, osteoperosis, not to mention "normal" adult issues: sexual health, family planning, working. My clinic is set up to deal with all of these things. My transition was pretty easy, there is a doc who floats between children's and adults. Good luck. I agree that you should voice your concerns, but do try to give them a chance before you decide whether or not you like it.


New member
I really like my adult clinic. Lets face it, as adults we have different issues to deal with. There is increased chances of arthritis, diabetes, osteoperosis, not to mention "normal" adult issues: sexual health, family planning, working. My clinic is set up to deal with all of these things. My transition was pretty easy, there is a doc who floats between children's and adults. Good luck. I agree that you should voice your concerns, but do try to give them a chance before you decide whether or not you like it.