Transplant documentary


Dear Jeanne,

I'm working on securing visibility to raise funds to produce a documentary 'A love worth giving' on transplant doners for CFers which we all hope to bring about a change to the current system of 'opt in' for most countries.

The deadline to raise the necessary funds ends on 24 April!

FYI - the UK CF Trust has already agreed to help but we need as much help as possible and this is a crucial topic



Thanks very much
Tim Wotton


I hope Tim gets a response for this...I have lots of ideas of things we need to know...for instructive documentary would be great!


Super Moderator
Wonderful Idea! If our videographer/Film Maker can produce a fundraising promotional so clear and compelling, it is worth supporting his efforts to encourage donors to sign up. It is a bargain if a documentary nets a single life saved.

The idea of telling of a story of what happens to the person who died for lack of a donor strikes a huge nerve. The story of loss is not a typical documentary. In the real world it is a personal reality for too many and maybe the other truth is equally important in educating and motivating donors. From the video short it seems to be a balanced story of life, joy, love and hope. And the loss of a precious life remembered through the eyes of surviving loved ones.

It's a thought,
