Have you by chance tried COTA-Children's Organ Transplant Assosiation? I believe their website is cota.org.
I may not be completely clear on how they work, but this is how I understand it:
They will give you ideas on how to raise money for transplant & if they set up an account for you, then any donations would be tax deductable donations. Then they disburse money to you at your request for hotel rooms, medications, rent if you had to get an apt in the city where you were transplanted at, groceries, basically anything related to having to get a transplant. They charge nothing for this service the last I knew.
If you just go set up an account at the bank, the donations would not be tax deductable unless you had set up a non profit type orgainization w/ the IRS (from what I understand).
COTA does children's with the exception of any aged CF transplant patient.
I have not actually used COTA, but plan to when it's time for me to start fundraising.
Has anyone on this board used COTA, and if so, did you feel that it was a favorable experience?