Transplant questions and teenagers


New member
OK, My son and I have been referred from our CF specialist to a transplant specialist and they are recommeding a transplant for his lungs. I have so many questions that they answered but I am having trouble believing them. Meanwhile my 15 year old son does not want a transplant because he believes that his life will end in a few years anyway if he has the transplant or the chances of his dying goes up with the procedure. We are both scared. I am trying so hard to look for answers for him and focus on what is right in front of me. Here are my questions and I am going to post this in the transplant forum as well. 1) Is it possible to get another transplant after the first one? I thought that this could only happen once and after these lungs are out grown or worn out or whatever, you were done. I am being told that it is possible to have more than one. 2) Is there a way to get accurate data on success rate for juvenile transplants and not have all the older people in the data? 3) Cleveland Clinc vs. Texas Childrens (in Houston) for a second opinion, which one is better do you think? and 4) If there is anyone out there who has had this experience (ie someone who has had a lung transplant as a teenager), would you be willing to talk to my son about this experience and let him learn more and get his questions answered? I thank all of you for your prayers and support. This site has had some good people on it who have helped when we have had problems before.