Hello curiouse canadian, I live in Calgary, Alberta and we go to Edmonton to get our transplants done. (Edmonton is like 3 hours away at the most) Ummm I havent had a transplant but I have been through the meetings ect.... to sign up for one. I also know 2 women the ages of 23 that have successfully had double lung transplants and they look unbelievable. It is amazing! Anywhoooo I know my diability (AISH) pays for the air abmulance to go to Edmonton when there is a donor. But if it is a false call you have to find your own way home. As well when you are there getting prepared for the lung transplant, your support people have to pay for everything like food, hotel ect....While they are there supporting you with any need you have, in the meen time you are in the hospital. Since you are there for a few months or more money obviously is a concern. Alot of people in this situation out here do fund raising so they will have the money for whatever needs. I know that all my hospitalization is covered by AISH and aswell as the transplant + the medications and whatever goes along with that. I hope I have answered some of your curiosity.