Travel with the Vest..and meds, and stuff


New member

Being that I am new here, well new to posting here anyway, I didn't want to ask a question that was recently asked so I tried to go to search and I hit the topic in and nothing came up, which probably means I worded it wrong. If this question was recently asked, forgive me and then could you tell me how to research previously covered topics?


Anyway my question is, I am leaving for a trip to Canada (which is out of the Country for me) and I have to take my vest. I have the smaller version the 104, but I also have to take my neb machine, TObi which needs to be cold, and Pulmozyme that needs to be cold as well. My other meds do not have to be kept cold and I plan on doing something with them just not sure where to put them yet.

My vest will be stored in the cabinet on the plane, but my question to you is, I have never traveled with so much stuff before, last time I flew I didn't have all this stuff.

How do you walk through the airport with all this crap, I can walk just fine but my vest though it comes in a travel bag weighs more than I can carry, and that is without the nebs and meds in it, One other question I have is, do you think it is safe to use some sort of cooler for my meds and put it in the vest bag, I am asking because, I want to carry as little on board as possible because I have a plane change lay over in Seattle and everything including the vest that I Carry on have to lugged by me on a train to the other side of the airport/

They say don't ever check your vest in at the counter but I am seriously considering it, what are your thoughts. I do realize that this is the day before I am going but I just started to be able to post on here yesterday.

So thanks for any advise you may have on the way you have traveled that has worked in the past or even if you tell me what hasn't worked that will help.

Have a nice day,



New member
I always bring all medical supplies carry on with me. But that would be very hard for one person to haul around the airport! Maybe you can call the airline and ask for assistance in getting yourself and your stuff on and off the planes?


New member
I would call for airport assistance. That's too much crap. I would not check in anything in though, I don't trus the airlines with several thousand dollars worth of equipment.

Tessa 27 w/cf


New member
Knowing the amount of $$ invested in equipment & meds, I would check with the airlines on any arangements that can be made. Beside the $$ involved, you wouldnt want to be stuck without what you need for your health.


New member

I travel a lot, too. I am soooo glad you have the smaller vest! Let me tell you what I do.

First, I get the measurements for the carry-on limitations, and make sure my bag does not exceed that (you wouldn't want to have them tell you that you have to check your carry-on bag!) Then I find a bag WITH WHEELS that fits the requirements. Then I fill it with my vest machine, the vest, the tubes, and the electrical wire. I also put in my compressor (for my nebs), the nebulizers, and a tiny lunch-bag cooler with a little ice-pack and TOBI and Pulmozyme.

I try to use any left over space for enzymes, vitamins, zithromax, advair, albuterol, and anything else i need!

For the luggage I check, that is on wheels, too! I hope you have something like that, or can afford to go out and get yourself some luggage that will work.

Oh and you are usually allowed a "personal item", so I stuff the biggest purse I own full! That way, I can maneuver around the airport with a rolling bag on the floor, and a purse on my shoulder...let me know what you think, and how your trip goes!!


New member
Wow....Colleen, it sounds like you have the traveling down to a science as far as having your meds etc. Are you as fortunate with clothing? I love this site since you can get ideas for just about anything!


New member
JazzysMom -- LOL!! Yea, I have to admit I am the same with my clothes, too!! I don't just pack a bunch of clothes, I lay out each outfit (complete with matching shoes, accessories, and appropriate undergarments!) on my bed that I anticipate I will wear! It makes it so much easier when I reach my thinking involved! (I have developed this through trial-and-error!!)
I agree -- this site is great, you CAN get ideas for everything!!


New member
Colleen--That is just what my daughter does, too. However, next time she is seriously considering checking the vest, since she also will have her lap-top bag. HAS anyone ever checked it through? I love the idea of calling the airline for special assistance; it worked like a dream when my elderly mother flew.


Hi, Could you possible send the vest via FedEx? Just a thought. Good luck,


New member
Thanks so much for all your great ideas..

I called the airline they are going to do a meet and assist with me. WHen I get to the door, they will have a cart for me and or a wheel chair where I can put my medical equipment in that and go to the gate, Once at the gate someone is going to store my vest in the flight crew closet. They are going to carry it on the plane for me, and assist me when I go to change planes. At least this is what they said, I will let you know how it actually works out..

They seemed very nice.... I am going to put my meds in a little cooler bag and carry them in my carry on bag with my other stuff on the plane...I remember the days of my only trouble for vacation was what to wear. Funny that was the first thing I got taken care of.... Sure helps you to have a different outlook on life that is for it is like who cares what I wear, just get my meds and vest there.....

You guys are chock full of information and I really appreciate it. I am going to miss this board for the week I am gone, but will catch up when I get back.....

Thanks again,



New member
I hope you also realize... stuff like nebulizers and vests, even if you don't use them during the flight, are not considered part of your carry-on baggage. Because they are necessary to take with you, they don't count against you. I went on a flight about a month ago and had my purse, my carry-on bag, my nebulizer, and a cooler all in my hands, and they couldn't do a damn thing about it. Legally they have no right to, because people are too often not careful with things, even if listed as "fragile." And breaking a hair dryer is one thing... breaking something we depend on for survival is another. They tell you to take anything CF-related on the plane with you. Any nebulizers, Vests, Acapellas, Flutters, oxygen, tubing, needles (yes needles, just get a doctor's note), tape or dressing changes if you need them, anything I haven't included... AND all of your oral meds should <u>always</u> go on the plane with you. I have had my baggage lost once, and it sucked. Lucky for me, my meds were all in my carry-on, because we were without our bags for more than 24 hours. Never ever check anything that you depend on medically. Never.

The reason I'm being pushy with this is not to make any of you feel badly. It's because I <i>know</i> some jackass at the airport will tell you that you can't take on what you've got, or that needles have to go under the plane, or that you have too much, etc etc. <b>DO NOT ACCEPT THAT!!</b> They have no legal right not to allow you to take that stuff with you. And it's very important that you do. For your own well-being. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> If someone tries to tell you that you can't, go over his/her head. I mean it. Get as pushy or "rude" (really it's them being rude telling you you can't take stuff you rely on onto the plane with you) as necessary. Put up as much of a fight as you need to to allow you to carry on your stuff. Don't accept anyone trying to tell you otherwise. They're wrong.

And one quick ha-ha question... WHY DO THEY ALWAYS THINK NEBULIZERS ARE BOMBS??? lol

Now that that's all done with... have a lovely trip!! Haha. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">



Your comment about nebulizers reminds me of a flight Coll & I took where she was about 8 yrs. old. She still does a great imitation of me trying to act out what a nebulizer is for to a airport security person who didn't speak English well! LOL

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
One time when I was little, my Mom & I were returning from a trip to Florida by bus. We didnt keep my meds with us. They were in the luggage under the bus. Well dont you know that the luggage didnt make it home with us. It was a fight to get enough of anything (especially enzymes for some reason) to hold me over until our luggage caught up with us.


New member
Jazzys mom and Tessa thaks for all you is nice to know ppl care

Coll I am going to hire you to organize my life....

Emily you have me cracking up because you are right.. I know you don't know me, but I swear you would think by your post to me that you did. I am a big push over at times ..I didn't know that it didn't count as carry on that is so great....

I am half tempted to print your response, though I won't, I think it would be funny to print it and bring it with me and show the guy.. see this is what Emily said and she knows her leave me alone...

I am going to for sure be thinking of you and borrow some of your assertiveness tomorrow to get stuff done....I am all set I think, I got lots of great advice and I did something with it. I called the airport like suggested and that seems like it got me far, but like we all know what is said and what they could do can be so different.... But I am taking Emily assertiveness with me and I am going to have fun with it..

Even though I was dx with Cf till later in life I have traveled with Neb machines most of my life...You are right they give you the hardest time with it, and God forbid you make a joke about it.... I mean really..... they should be happy we are in good moods and not grumpy with all we have to go through....

I have doctors notes for the vest but not for the neb machine but I may pull out my presciption for it as well....

Talk to you soon, oh and FYI, even though I am in Nursing school and have a really awesome GPA I stink at spelling so don't mind me... and I talk way, way to much to take the time to look words up in the dictionary and this doens't have spell check so.... your stuck with me and my bad spelling.... (hahahah and a funny face that I don't know how to put in yet)



New member
Just curious, what does airport security make you do to prove the nebulizer is not a bomb? Do they actually make you take it out and turn it on?



New member
Nah they take this fuzzy thing on a stick and just rub it all over, to make sure it doesn't react. I don't know exactly what it is, but that's what they do. It's not that bad. They just always act like it's the END OF THE WORLD when I bring in my neb. It's amusing.

Oh and Jennifer, I'm glad I could help, but I hardly think airport security would take "Emily from online" as an authority. LOL <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> You're right I don't know you, but I've seen way too many people get told "no" and just take it. So I've become quite pushy when it comes to that stuff. If I get any attitude, they get it right back.


New member
I don't Emily, I can almost hear your voice through my computer. I bet it could scare the guy trying to harass Jennifer. hee..hee...

Tessa 27 w/cf


New member
WOW~ I have never had a problem with the vest or my nebulizer (compressor)! One time, I actually brought the instuction manuals, and kept them in hand, and the lady kind of scoffed at me, saying "you have no idea how many of these we are no special case".

I have had them use the fuzzy stuff one time, I asked them no to put TOBI or Pulmozyme through the x-rays, so i took the vials out of the cooler and do that check on them, but only because I asked.

I didn't know that we were alllowed to have the vest and nebs in addition to the rest of the carry-on that is allowed, but I never explored the issue becaue I never needed more. I like having it with me at all times, and since my PFTs are in the 80s, I haven't needed to use the assistance they offer (knock on wood!) It is easy and fast going around the airport with just my (large) carry-on bag and purse! Also, I have never traveled alone, so usually my fiancee will also have a very lage carry on that I can put stuff in!

I have also traveled lightly (before I got the new small vest) by packing only Flutter for airway clearance...Just a thought if you like/have this device. Also, I think we are all from the Chest PT age, and up until middle school, that's all I knew! So in leui (totally mispelled that?) of all the equipment, if there is someone who can do this on you during the trip, thats a possibility if you and they are up to it. Obviously nebs are non-optional, but they are sooo small nowadays!

Just some (more) stuff to think about!! I hope all of your travels go smoothly!!


New member
Thanks guys see you when I get back Tuesday, though I am only home for a day or two then I am off to South Carolina.. driving though so it should be much less hectic.....




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Coll I just saw your post.. after I posted mine.. I am not from that erra, well I am but they didn't know I had CF so I didn't have manual done to me, and to this day when they have tried it on me, I am to embarrassed to cough in front of anyone so it is totally ineffective.

I will get used to all this but for now it is hard enough to let anyone see me even use the vest cause I feel like such a freak....
