Traveling post transplant


New member
I guess you could say one of my biggest regrets thus far in life has been that I haven't been able to travel because I've been so sick. I'm currently going through the transplant evaluation process and I was wondering, are you able to travel post transplant? Obviously not right afterwards, but as your quality of life improves?? I keep getting this image that you are bound to a specific geographic location because of this transplant, like if you are more then 50 miles away from a transplant center you'll die or something, I know that sounds wierd but I am kind of curious.


New member
I guess you could say one of my biggest regrets thus far in life has been that I haven't been able to travel because I've been so sick. I'm currently going through the transplant evaluation process and I was wondering, are you able to travel post transplant? Obviously not right afterwards, but as your quality of life improves?? I keep getting this image that you are bound to a specific geographic location because of this transplant, like if you are more then 50 miles away from a transplant center you'll die or something, I know that sounds wierd but I am kind of curious.


New member
I guess you could say one of my biggest regrets thus far in life has been that I haven't been able to travel because I've been so sick. I'm currently going through the transplant evaluation process and I was wondering, are you able to travel post transplant? Obviously not right afterwards, but as your quality of life improves?? I keep getting this image that you are bound to a specific geographic location because of this transplant, like if you are more then 50 miles away from a transplant center you'll die or something, I know that sounds wierd but I am kind of curious.


New member
I guess you could say one of my biggest regrets thus far in life has been that I haven't been able to travel because I've been so sick. I'm currently going through the transplant evaluation process and I was wondering, are you able to travel post transplant? Obviously not right afterwards, but as your quality of life improves?? I keep getting this image that you are bound to a specific geographic location because of this transplant, like if you are more then 50 miles away from a transplant center you'll die or something, I know that sounds wierd but I am kind of curious.


New member
I guess you could say one of my biggest regrets thus far in life has been that I haven't been able to travel because I've been so sick. I'm currently going through the transplant evaluation process and I was wondering, are you able to travel post transplant? Obviously not right afterwards, but as your quality of life improves?? I keep getting this image that you are bound to a specific geographic location because of this transplant, like if you are more then 50 miles away from a transplant center you'll die or something, I know that sounds wierd but I am kind of curious.


New member
It may sound strange to you about the being tied to a center but A LOT of people feel that way. I know several people that have moved from other states to be near our center because they feel more comfortable being close.

That being said YES you can travel. You just have to communicate with your transplant team. There are in some cases immunizations that you have to get so if you are planning a trip out of the country let them know a year ahead of time that hey I am planning on going .. here. That way they can talk with infectious disease about any shots you may need. My fiance and I just took my first plane ride since my transplant (right at 2 yrs post) I could have gone earlier but was a little afraid honestly. We went to Las Vegas for a weekend trip and had a blast. I called my team and let them now I was going about 4 months ago and made sure it was okay BEFORE I bought the tickets. Then as it got closer I called them back to get a letter with all my meds and equipment (breathing PFT checker thing and other stuff like that) that way I wouldn't have a problem with security. Then I called them again a few days before we left to remind them I was going. They set my chart aside in the event that I called for being sick afterwards. Well unfortunately I did catch something on my flight back but I called the day after I got back with the head congestion and sore throat and all and they called something in for me and I have felt better each day since then.

You CAN travel it just takes more planning and being a little more careful - I wore my mask on both legs of the flight (there and back) and still caught something so I would say in regards to that just double check with your docs if you do decide to travel and see if there is anything in particular that they want you to do as a protective measure.



New member
It may sound strange to you about the being tied to a center but A LOT of people feel that way. I know several people that have moved from other states to be near our center because they feel more comfortable being close.

That being said YES you can travel. You just have to communicate with your transplant team. There are in some cases immunizations that you have to get so if you are planning a trip out of the country let them know a year ahead of time that hey I am planning on going .. here. That way they can talk with infectious disease about any shots you may need. My fiance and I just took my first plane ride since my transplant (right at 2 yrs post) I could have gone earlier but was a little afraid honestly. We went to Las Vegas for a weekend trip and had a blast. I called my team and let them now I was going about 4 months ago and made sure it was okay BEFORE I bought the tickets. Then as it got closer I called them back to get a letter with all my meds and equipment (breathing PFT checker thing and other stuff like that) that way I wouldn't have a problem with security. Then I called them again a few days before we left to remind them I was going. They set my chart aside in the event that I called for being sick afterwards. Well unfortunately I did catch something on my flight back but I called the day after I got back with the head congestion and sore throat and all and they called something in for me and I have felt better each day since then.

You CAN travel it just takes more planning and being a little more careful - I wore my mask on both legs of the flight (there and back) and still caught something so I would say in regards to that just double check with your docs if you do decide to travel and see if there is anything in particular that they want you to do as a protective measure.



New member
It may sound strange to you about the being tied to a center but A LOT of people feel that way. I know several people that have moved from other states to be near our center because they feel more comfortable being close.

That being said YES you can travel. You just have to communicate with your transplant team. There are in some cases immunizations that you have to get so if you are planning a trip out of the country let them know a year ahead of time that hey I am planning on going .. here. That way they can talk with infectious disease about any shots you may need. My fiance and I just took my first plane ride since my transplant (right at 2 yrs post) I could have gone earlier but was a little afraid honestly. We went to Las Vegas for a weekend trip and had a blast. I called my team and let them now I was going about 4 months ago and made sure it was okay BEFORE I bought the tickets. Then as it got closer I called them back to get a letter with all my meds and equipment (breathing PFT checker thing and other stuff like that) that way I wouldn't have a problem with security. Then I called them again a few days before we left to remind them I was going. They set my chart aside in the event that I called for being sick afterwards. Well unfortunately I did catch something on my flight back but I called the day after I got back with the head congestion and sore throat and all and they called something in for me and I have felt better each day since then.

You CAN travel it just takes more planning and being a little more careful - I wore my mask on both legs of the flight (there and back) and still caught something so I would say in regards to that just double check with your docs if you do decide to travel and see if there is anything in particular that they want you to do as a protective measure.



New member
It may sound strange to you about the being tied to a center but A LOT of people feel that way. I know several people that have moved from other states to be near our center because they feel more comfortable being close.

That being said YES you can travel. You just have to communicate with your transplant team. There are in some cases immunizations that you have to get so if you are planning a trip out of the country let them know a year ahead of time that hey I am planning on going .. here. That way they can talk with infectious disease about any shots you may need. My fiance and I just took my first plane ride since my transplant (right at 2 yrs post) I could have gone earlier but was a little afraid honestly. We went to Las Vegas for a weekend trip and had a blast. I called my team and let them now I was going about 4 months ago and made sure it was okay BEFORE I bought the tickets. Then as it got closer I called them back to get a letter with all my meds and equipment (breathing PFT checker thing and other stuff like that) that way I wouldn't have a problem with security. Then I called them again a few days before we left to remind them I was going. They set my chart aside in the event that I called for being sick afterwards. Well unfortunately I did catch something on my flight back but I called the day after I got back with the head congestion and sore throat and all and they called something in for me and I have felt better each day since then.

You CAN travel it just takes more planning and being a little more careful - I wore my mask on both legs of the flight (there and back) and still caught something so I would say in regards to that just double check with your docs if you do decide to travel and see if there is anything in particular that they want you to do as a protective measure.



New member
It may sound strange to you about the being tied to a center but A LOT of people feel that way. I know several people that have moved from other states to be near our center because they feel more comfortable being close.
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<br />That being said YES you can travel. You just have to communicate with your transplant team. There are in some cases immunizations that you have to get so if you are planning a trip out of the country let them know a year ahead of time that hey I am planning on going .. here. That way they can talk with infectious disease about any shots you may need. My fiance and I just took my first plane ride since my transplant (right at 2 yrs post) I could have gone earlier but was a little afraid honestly. We went to Las Vegas for a weekend trip and had a blast. I called my team and let them now I was going about 4 months ago and made sure it was okay BEFORE I bought the tickets. Then as it got closer I called them back to get a letter with all my meds and equipment (breathing PFT checker thing and other stuff like that) that way I wouldn't have a problem with security. Then I called them again a few days before we left to remind them I was going. They set my chart aside in the event that I called for being sick afterwards. Well unfortunately I did catch something on my flight back but I called the day after I got back with the head congestion and sore throat and all and they called something in for me and I have felt better each day since then.
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<br />You CAN travel it just takes more planning and being a little more careful - I wore my mask on both legs of the flight (there and back) and still caught something so I would say in regards to that just double check with your docs if you do decide to travel and see if there is anything in particular that they want you to do as a protective measure.
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<br />Lindsey
My team allows you to travel anywhere you want after 1 year. I myslef live in CA and have traveled to FL and up to the canadian border. So i have been quite a distance away. I always have a list of tx centers where i go just in case. Most of the major cities have alteast one center.
My team allows you to travel anywhere you want after 1 year. I myslef live in CA and have traveled to FL and up to the canadian border. So i have been quite a distance away. I always have a list of tx centers where i go just in case. Most of the major cities have alteast one center.
My team allows you to travel anywhere you want after 1 year. I myslef live in CA and have traveled to FL and up to the canadian border. So i have been quite a distance away. I always have a list of tx centers where i go just in case. Most of the major cities have alteast one center.
My team allows you to travel anywhere you want after 1 year. I myslef live in CA and have traveled to FL and up to the canadian border. So i have been quite a distance away. I always have a list of tx centers where i go just in case. Most of the major cities have alteast one center.
My team allows you to travel anywhere you want after 1 year. I myslef live in CA and have traveled to FL and up to the canadian border. So i have been quite a distance away. I always have a list of tx centers where i go just in case. Most of the major cities have alteast one center.