Treatments for Chronic sinus problems


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I am the maker of NASOPURE, the nasal wash system.
I have found that those who wish to reduce the use of medications tend to be willing to wash their nose/sinus areas more religiously than those who prefer to take a pill.
It makes sense to wash the debri and thicken mucus out of the nose rather than use medication (pills or nasal sprays)with potential side effects and high prices.
Bacterial resistence is a severe problem, especially for those with CF and washing helps!
Thicken mucus is a severe problem with CF and hypertonic saline washes thins secrections!
Please check out for an animated tutorial reveiwng the proper way to effecticley wash your nose.
Dr Hana


New member
I use xylitol too. l wash my 2 years old daughter's nose twice a day with a solution made of one glass off purified water, one teaspoon of xylitol, and 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract (against fungi). Since I started (8 months ago), she caught one single cold.


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Hi Caren,

Can you please email me regarding inhaled vancomycin. My dr is saying she never heard of vanco administered this way only IV..can you email me at!!!!


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I just heard about sinuneb from a person on a healthboards site whose child had frequent sinus problems. I asked her if she needed a prescription for the Sinuneb and she said she just called the company and got 2 sinuneb (neb cups) -- looks like a pari neb cup with an extension to hold up/into your nose and it only cost her $19.95 -- said she had to come up with her own tubing and compressor and she uses regular saline like we use with regular nebs. I'm planning to ask our CF doctor about this next month.


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I'm having sinus surgery in a couple of weeks and I can't wait. I am so tired of my sinuses sometimes I wanna rip my niose off! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I use Flonase at the moment to help with it but it seems to make my symptoms worse. When I get the surgery done they said I have to come back every mont so they can squirt tobi up my nose to keep it all nice and clean and bacteria free. I'm just hoping this all works out.

Nicole 22 CF <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


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I have just started the sinu neb because I have had chronic sinus infections lately.. I love it.. I am also doing nasal sprays Astelin, Rhinocort, and Afrin as well. THrough the sinu neb I am inhaling mucyomist and Gentamyacin....seems like it is working real well... My ENT told me that there are several antibiotics that can be nebulized/inhaled... The at home pharmacy in California is the make of the Sinu neb and your dr can call them and prescribe the neb with any meds that he/she thinks you need. The nebulizer comes with portable attachments and the treatment takes 3 minutes...


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I had three polypetcomies and then had my sinuses drilled out twice to encourage better flow of mucous - last op when I was 16 - now 29 and no probs since


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>kybert</b></i><br>ive tried sprays, sudafed type medications, antihistamines, irrigation and surgery. all of them made my symptoms a little better but they havent gone away. for about 2 months after my sinus surgery my nose was great. its gone backwards a little but not as bad. i use a nasopure bottle to rinse my nose. i find its better than saline sprays. ive found that once you start having sinus problems they never go away completely.<hr></blockquote>