

New member
Hi Guys,

Well, I really have to wonder about mine. For the past 8 months, I have done the Albuterol neb, Hypertonic Saline, Vest, and Pulmozyme. Everything is twice a day, done separately, and in the order listed. I NEVER miss.

So I started about 5 months ago exporing different ways to do my nebs. For example, I would take maybe 3 small breaths then 1 big breath. I would maybe take 1 big breathe and hold for 10 seconds then exhale slowly. I even tried like rapid short breaths with pressure. Well, I have found something that has really worked for me. During each neb (so about 1/2 hour in total time), I take 3 short breaths then 1 really deep one and hold for about 10-15 seconds. Then, I do like a huff cough kind of thing. Basically, I push the air out real fast and hard. I never take the neb out of my mouth. Just doing that has increased my sputum production from nothing to 1/8 cup, sometimes 1/4 cup.

The problem is the Vest! I really don't think it does anything for me. ANYTHING! Before that I did the Flutter. I would say it maybe did a little more than nothing but not by much.

Honestly, I feel that the nebs are the best for me. Now, I haven't missed any vest time, yet. Honest! However, it feels like such a waste of an 1/2 hour. I bring hardly anything up and nothing at all compared to the neb breathing exercises, which do knock the heck out of me.

I must say that in March I had the best PFT's in 2 years so I guess the breathing exercises and Hypertonic Saline were the causes. I also had switched to the Vest but don't attribute the numbers to it.

Any advice?


New member
Hi Guys,

Well, I really have to wonder about mine. For the past 8 months, I have done the Albuterol neb, Hypertonic Saline, Vest, and Pulmozyme. Everything is twice a day, done separately, and in the order listed. I NEVER miss.

So I started about 5 months ago exporing different ways to do my nebs. For example, I would take maybe 3 small breaths then 1 big breath. I would maybe take 1 big breathe and hold for 10 seconds then exhale slowly. I even tried like rapid short breaths with pressure. Well, I have found something that has really worked for me. During each neb (so about 1/2 hour in total time), I take 3 short breaths then 1 really deep one and hold for about 10-15 seconds. Then, I do like a huff cough kind of thing. Basically, I push the air out real fast and hard. I never take the neb out of my mouth. Just doing that has increased my sputum production from nothing to 1/8 cup, sometimes 1/4 cup.

The problem is the Vest! I really don't think it does anything for me. ANYTHING! Before that I did the Flutter. I would say it maybe did a little more than nothing but not by much.

Honestly, I feel that the nebs are the best for me. Now, I haven't missed any vest time, yet. Honest! However, it feels like such a waste of an 1/2 hour. I bring hardly anything up and nothing at all compared to the neb breathing exercises, which do knock the heck out of me.

I must say that in March I had the best PFT's in 2 years so I guess the breathing exercises and Hypertonic Saline were the causes. I also had switched to the Vest but don't attribute the numbers to it.

Any advice?


New member
Hi Guys,

Well, I really have to wonder about mine. For the past 8 months, I have done the Albuterol neb, Hypertonic Saline, Vest, and Pulmozyme. Everything is twice a day, done separately, and in the order listed. I NEVER miss.

So I started about 5 months ago exporing different ways to do my nebs. For example, I would take maybe 3 small breaths then 1 big breath. I would maybe take 1 big breathe and hold for 10 seconds then exhale slowly. I even tried like rapid short breaths with pressure. Well, I have found something that has really worked for me. During each neb (so about 1/2 hour in total time), I take 3 short breaths then 1 really deep one and hold for about 10-15 seconds. Then, I do like a huff cough kind of thing. Basically, I push the air out real fast and hard. I never take the neb out of my mouth. Just doing that has increased my sputum production from nothing to 1/8 cup, sometimes 1/4 cup.

The problem is the Vest! I really don't think it does anything for me. ANYTHING! Before that I did the Flutter. I would say it maybe did a little more than nothing but not by much.

Honestly, I feel that the nebs are the best for me. Now, I haven't missed any vest time, yet. Honest! However, it feels like such a waste of an 1/2 hour. I bring hardly anything up and nothing at all compared to the neb breathing exercises, which do knock the heck out of me.

I must say that in March I had the best PFT's in 2 years so I guess the breathing exercises and Hypertonic Saline were the causes. I also had switched to the Vest but don't attribute the numbers to it.

Any advice?


New member
Hi Guys,

Well, I really have to wonder about mine. For the past 8 months, I have done the Albuterol neb, Hypertonic Saline, Vest, and Pulmozyme. Everything is twice a day, done separately, and in the order listed. I NEVER miss.

So I started about 5 months ago exporing different ways to do my nebs. For example, I would take maybe 3 small breaths then 1 big breath. I would maybe take 1 big breathe and hold for 10 seconds then exhale slowly. I even tried like rapid short breaths with pressure. Well, I have found something that has really worked for me. During each neb (so about 1/2 hour in total time), I take 3 short breaths then 1 really deep one and hold for about 10-15 seconds. Then, I do like a huff cough kind of thing. Basically, I push the air out real fast and hard. I never take the neb out of my mouth. Just doing that has increased my sputum production from nothing to 1/8 cup, sometimes 1/4 cup.

The problem is the Vest! I really don't think it does anything for me. ANYTHING! Before that I did the Flutter. I would say it maybe did a little more than nothing but not by much.

Honestly, I feel that the nebs are the best for me. Now, I haven't missed any vest time, yet. Honest! However, it feels like such a waste of an 1/2 hour. I bring hardly anything up and nothing at all compared to the neb breathing exercises, which do knock the heck out of me.

I must say that in March I had the best PFT's in 2 years so I guess the breathing exercises and Hypertonic Saline were the causes. I also had switched to the Vest but don't attribute the numbers to it.

Any advice?


New member
Hi Guys,

Well, I really have to wonder about mine. For the past 8 months, I have done the Albuterol neb, Hypertonic Saline, Vest, and Pulmozyme. Everything is twice a day, done separately, and in the order listed. I NEVER miss.

So I started about 5 months ago exporing different ways to do my nebs. For example, I would take maybe 3 small breaths then 1 big breath. I would maybe take 1 big breathe and hold for 10 seconds then exhale slowly. I even tried like rapid short breaths with pressure. Well, I have found something that has really worked for me. During each neb (so about 1/2 hour in total time), I take 3 short breaths then 1 really deep one and hold for about 10-15 seconds. Then, I do like a huff cough kind of thing. Basically, I push the air out real fast and hard. I never take the neb out of my mouth. Just doing that has increased my sputum production from nothing to 1/8 cup, sometimes 1/4 cup.

The problem is the Vest! I really don't think it does anything for me. ANYTHING! Before that I did the Flutter. I would say it maybe did a little more than nothing but not by much.

Honestly, I feel that the nebs are the best for me. Now, I haven't missed any vest time, yet. Honest! However, it feels like such a waste of an 1/2 hour. I bring hardly anything up and nothing at all compared to the neb breathing exercises, which do knock the heck out of me.

I must say that in March I had the best PFT's in 2 years so I guess the breathing exercises and Hypertonic Saline were the causes. I also had switched to the Vest but don't attribute the numbers to it.

Any advice?


New member
Hi Guys,

Well, I really have to wonder about mine. For the past 8 months, I have done the Albuterol neb, Hypertonic Saline, Vest, and Pulmozyme. Everything is twice a day, done separately, and in the order listed. I NEVER miss.

So I started about 5 months ago exporing different ways to do my nebs. For example, I would take maybe 3 small breaths then 1 big breath. I would maybe take 1 big breathe and hold for 10 seconds then exhale slowly. I even tried like rapid short breaths with pressure. Well, I have found something that has really worked for me. During each neb (so about 1/2 hour in total time), I take 3 short breaths then 1 really deep one and hold for about 10-15 seconds. Then, I do like a huff cough kind of thing. Basically, I push the air out real fast and hard. I never take the neb out of my mouth. Just doing that has increased my sputum production from nothing to 1/8 cup, sometimes 1/4 cup.

The problem is the Vest! I really don't think it does anything for me. ANYTHING! Before that I did the Flutter. I would say it maybe did a little more than nothing but not by much.

Honestly, I feel that the nebs are the best for me. Now, I haven't missed any vest time, yet. Honest! However, it feels like such a waste of an 1/2 hour. I bring hardly anything up and nothing at all compared to the neb breathing exercises, which do knock the heck out of me.

I must say that in March I had the best PFT's in 2 years so I guess the breathing exercises and Hypertonic Saline were the causes. I also had switched to the Vest but don't attribute the numbers to it.

Any advice?


New member
I dont cough anything up during my treatments, when I do my nebs Ill take in deep breaths periodically and sometimes none and when I do my vest Ill huff cough sometimes and sometimes Ill just cough or not do anything. I feel the stuff loose inside but I never get it up so I figure that as long as Im moving the stuff around then its better than it just sitting still.

I find that eventhough I dont cough phelm out at least it is getting moved around by my nebs and vest all together.


New member
I dont cough anything up during my treatments, when I do my nebs Ill take in deep breaths periodically and sometimes none and when I do my vest Ill huff cough sometimes and sometimes Ill just cough or not do anything. I feel the stuff loose inside but I never get it up so I figure that as long as Im moving the stuff around then its better than it just sitting still.

I find that eventhough I dont cough phelm out at least it is getting moved around by my nebs and vest all together.


New member
I dont cough anything up during my treatments, when I do my nebs Ill take in deep breaths periodically and sometimes none and when I do my vest Ill huff cough sometimes and sometimes Ill just cough or not do anything. I feel the stuff loose inside but I never get it up so I figure that as long as Im moving the stuff around then its better than it just sitting still.

I find that eventhough I dont cough phelm out at least it is getting moved around by my nebs and vest all together.


New member
I dont cough anything up during my treatments, when I do my nebs Ill take in deep breaths periodically and sometimes none and when I do my vest Ill huff cough sometimes and sometimes Ill just cough or not do anything. I feel the stuff loose inside but I never get it up so I figure that as long as Im moving the stuff around then its better than it just sitting still.

I find that eventhough I dont cough phelm out at least it is getting moved around by my nebs and vest all together.


New member
I dont cough anything up during my treatments, when I do my nebs Ill take in deep breaths periodically and sometimes none and when I do my vest Ill huff cough sometimes and sometimes Ill just cough or not do anything. I feel the stuff loose inside but I never get it up so I figure that as long as Im moving the stuff around then its better than it just sitting still.

I find that eventhough I dont cough phelm out at least it is getting moved around by my nebs and vest all together.


New member
I dont cough anything up during my treatments, when I do my nebs Ill take in deep breaths periodically and sometimes none and when I do my vest Ill huff cough sometimes and sometimes Ill just cough or not do anything. I feel the stuff loose inside but I never get it up so I figure that as long as Im moving the stuff around then its better than it just sitting still.

I find that eventhough I dont cough phelm out at least it is getting moved around by my nebs and vest all together.


New member
This is what I have to say......

Although I cough NOTHING up from doing my vest, if I DONT do it especially at night, I will cough all day/night long. So even thought its not productive in what I bring up right then its definitely doing something. I swore the vest was worthless until I had used it for awhile and then stopped. THAT is when I saw the difference. Same thing with Pulmozyme. SO take what you can from it....


New member
This is what I have to say......

Although I cough NOTHING up from doing my vest, if I DONT do it especially at night, I will cough all day/night long. So even thought its not productive in what I bring up right then its definitely doing something. I swore the vest was worthless until I had used it for awhile and then stopped. THAT is when I saw the difference. Same thing with Pulmozyme. SO take what you can from it....


New member
This is what I have to say......

Although I cough NOTHING up from doing my vest, if I DONT do it especially at night, I will cough all day/night long. So even thought its not productive in what I bring up right then its definitely doing something. I swore the vest was worthless until I had used it for awhile and then stopped. THAT is when I saw the difference. Same thing with Pulmozyme. SO take what you can from it....


New member
This is what I have to say......

Although I cough NOTHING up from doing my vest, if I DONT do it especially at night, I will cough all day/night long. So even thought its not productive in what I bring up right then its definitely doing something. I swore the vest was worthless until I had used it for awhile and then stopped. THAT is when I saw the difference. Same thing with Pulmozyme. SO take what you can from it....


New member
This is what I have to say......

Although I cough NOTHING up from doing my vest, if I DONT do it especially at night, I will cough all day/night long. So even thought its not productive in what I bring up right then its definitely doing something. I swore the vest was worthless until I had used it for awhile and then stopped. THAT is when I saw the difference. Same thing with Pulmozyme. SO take what you can from it....


New member
This is what I have to say......

Although I cough NOTHING up from doing my vest, if I DONT do it especially at night, I will cough all day/night long. So even thought its not productive in what I bring up right then its definitely doing something. I swore the vest was worthless until I had used it for awhile and then stopped. THAT is when I saw the difference. Same thing with Pulmozyme. SO take what you can from it....


New member
Glad you seem to have hit on something that works. Two comments:

1. The way you're doing it will work

2. The way you're doing it won't work

Before you get too confused, remember that CF is tricky that way. As my disease progression has changed over the years, I've constantly had to revamp my techniques. I've added new treatments, forgone others, and learned how to manage it as best I can and still have good quality of life.

Sometimes it's not the combination of meds, or the amount of CPT or even the level of compliance that determines how well you'll do. Keep listening to your body, and keep working on finding the best way to breathe deeply and get the mucus out.

Also, don't discount the vest completely. It's one of those things that may or may not have immediate effects. Depending on the time of day, your overall health, heck, even the relative humidity of your city that day, you're going to experience different levels of productivity with the cough. I hear where you're coming from though, in feeling like it's a waste of time. I experienced the same feelings until I got a Vest that actually fits properly and percusses at the right rate.

Keep up the good work, especially on the days you don't want to.



New member
Glad you seem to have hit on something that works. Two comments:

1. The way you're doing it will work

2. The way you're doing it won't work

Before you get too confused, remember that CF is tricky that way. As my disease progression has changed over the years, I've constantly had to revamp my techniques. I've added new treatments, forgone others, and learned how to manage it as best I can and still have good quality of life.

Sometimes it's not the combination of meds, or the amount of CPT or even the level of compliance that determines how well you'll do. Keep listening to your body, and keep working on finding the best way to breathe deeply and get the mucus out.

Also, don't discount the vest completely. It's one of those things that may or may not have immediate effects. Depending on the time of day, your overall health, heck, even the relative humidity of your city that day, you're going to experience different levels of productivity with the cough. I hear where you're coming from though, in feeling like it's a waste of time. I experienced the same feelings until I got a Vest that actually fits properly and percusses at the right rate.

Keep up the good work, especially on the days you don't want to.
