Tried Airborne???


New member
Has anyone out there tried/had any (good or bad) results from using it?? I feel as if I may be coming down with a cold/sinus infection and its has been suggested to use Airborne. If so, how have you used it once you started feel like you were coming down w/ something??


New member
I'm a father of a 46year old male with CF. I heard about airborne last fall, before I had to fly to Texas to be with my son who was having problems. I bought it and used it for my flight down (from VA). I personnaly didn't have any problems. Help???? I mentioned it to my wife and my son and received the standard answer. He can not use, unless he talks to his doctor and gets an okay. This will never happen. I also used it on my flight home. I returned to TX in December for Xmas and used it again, on my way down and on my way back. Again, I had no problems. Did it help, I don't known. I didn't catch anything and did not get sick. I have heard one thing against it, recently. A single dose has 1000 mg of Vitamin C. 2000 mg is recommended max daily dose. Because of possible GI problems (he doesn't need any more of those) and other things, I just can't remember. So, from an old man in VA I would not hesitate to recommend 1 or 2 doses for those flying or in some other way, enclosed with people who might have an infections desease. I, personnallly think it has potential. Limit daily amounts. If you have CF and WILL talk to your Doctor, they will probably say it hasn't been tested adequately (probably right), probably will not help (maybe) and because it is not prescribe by a doctor, is a waste of time. Your call. This probably confused you more than helped you. I, myself, will continue to use it. Will my son, probably not. Bill


New member
I'm a father of a 46year old male with CF. I heard about airborne last fall, before I had to fly to Texas to be with my son who was having problems. I bought it and used it for my flight down (from VA). I personnaly didn't have any problems. Help???? I mentioned it to my wife and my son and received the standard answer. He can not use, unless he talks to his doctor and gets an okay. This will never happen. I also used it on my flight home. I returned to TX in December for Xmas and used it again, on my way down and on my way back. Again, I had no problems. Did it help, I don't known. I didn't catch anything and did not get sick. I have heard one thing against it, recently. A single dose has 1000 mg of Vitamin C. 2000 mg is recommended max daily dose. Because of possible GI problems (he doesn't need any more of those) and other things, I just can't remember. So, from an old man in VA I would not hesitate to recommend 1 or 2 doses for those flying or in some other way, enclosed with people who might have an infections desease. I, personnallly think it has potential. Limit daily amounts. If you have CF and WILL talk to your Doctor, they will probably say it hasn't been tested adequately (probably right), probably will not help (maybe) and because it is not prescribe by a doctor, is a waste of time. Your call. This probably confused you more than helped you. I, myself, will continue to use it. Will my son, probably not. Bill


New member
I take it a lot! It is basically a bunch of vitamin C and other things that aren't very harmful. It is like a ton of vitamins in one. I take it whenever I fly, because I am petrified of germs on airplanes, and I take it whenever I am going to be in a crowded place, or where people are going to be sick. I also drink a similar drink every morning and every night from practically september-april, for the past two years, and I hardly ever get colds. If i do get them, i recover very quickly, instead of the usual 2-3 week dragging on-and-on thing. I never even thought to ask my doctor, since it is so much like a vitamin, and I do remember reading the ingredient list back when I first used it and realizing it was ok. Might want to check it for yourself in case you have any weird allergies, or specifications, or run it by your doctor if you are concerned. As far as the Vitamin C thing goes, I dont know about the GI thing, since I dont have too many GI problems except the usual stuff. I take so much vitamin C its ridiculous, and I dont really tthink about it. Apparently it is soluble so whatever you dont absorb comes out when you pee. The amount I take has never bothered me otherwise.

Non-CFers swear by it, i.e. people who are around kids all the time and risk getting colds. I would totally recommend it. This is coming from someone who has b. cepacia and often precarious health...lots of medicines and a long medical history! I cant afford to get sick! The winters are scary and this helps I think.

22 w/ CF, b. cepacia


New member
I take it a lot! It is basically a bunch of vitamin C and other things that aren't very harmful. It is like a ton of vitamins in one. I take it whenever I fly, because I am petrified of germs on airplanes, and I take it whenever I am going to be in a crowded place, or where people are going to be sick. I also drink a similar drink every morning and every night from practically september-april, for the past two years, and I hardly ever get colds. If i do get them, i recover very quickly, instead of the usual 2-3 week dragging on-and-on thing. I never even thought to ask my doctor, since it is so much like a vitamin, and I do remember reading the ingredient list back when I first used it and realizing it was ok. Might want to check it for yourself in case you have any weird allergies, or specifications, or run it by your doctor if you are concerned. As far as the Vitamin C thing goes, I dont know about the GI thing, since I dont have too many GI problems except the usual stuff. I take so much vitamin C its ridiculous, and I dont really tthink about it. Apparently it is soluble so whatever you dont absorb comes out when you pee. The amount I take has never bothered me otherwise.

Non-CFers swear by it, i.e. people who are around kids all the time and risk getting colds. I would totally recommend it. This is coming from someone who has b. cepacia and often precarious health...lots of medicines and a long medical history! I cant afford to get sick! The winters are scary and this helps I think.

22 w/ CF, b. cepacia


New member
Honestly not sure about airborne, can't knock it or recommend it.

I can and will recommend specific Echinacea, great to take when you start to feel like you are coming down with something. Get the liquid form of it though. Tastes absolutely disgusting (mix in water or tea and CHUG) but it really works wonders! I also follow it up with Elderberry, I get the sweet flavored one to get rid of the previous tasting item.

I use this as does my husband Mark, HIGHLY recommend it.


New member
Honestly not sure about airborne, can't knock it or recommend it.

I can and will recommend specific Echinacea, great to take when you start to feel like you are coming down with something. Get the liquid form of it though. Tastes absolutely disgusting (mix in water or tea and CHUG) but it really works wonders! I also follow it up with Elderberry, I get the sweet flavored one to get rid of the previous tasting item.

I use this as does my husband Mark, HIGHLY recommend it.


New member
My brother (no-cf) swears by it. Said every winter he gets a nasty cold and cough that lasts for weeks. So he tried this when he felt a cold coming on, next morning felt great. I've tried it and quite frankly, I still had a cold, symptoms lasted about the same length of time. Give me some of that old fashioned alkaseltzer cold with PPA, that ALWAYS worked. Too bad they don't make it anymore!


New member
My brother (no-cf) swears by it. Said every winter he gets a nasty cold and cough that lasts for weeks. So he tried this when he felt a cold coming on, next morning felt great. I've tried it and quite frankly, I still had a cold, symptoms lasted about the same length of time. Give me some of that old fashioned alkaseltzer cold with PPA, that ALWAYS worked. Too bad they don't make it anymore!


New member
We love the stuff! our whole family uses it. (even my 7yr.old CFer) I always have her take it with a couple of enz. so she will absorb it. I feel it makes you feel better within hrs. of taking it. but ask you doctor first if you have CF.
marisa mom of 3 girls 1 W/CF


New member
We love the stuff! our whole family uses it. (even my 7yr.old CFer) I always have her take it with a couple of enz. so she will absorb it. I feel it makes you feel better within hrs. of taking it. but ask you doctor first if you have CF.
marisa mom of 3 girls 1 W/CF


New member

I always catch at least a small cold when I fly. I started taking airborne last year. I've flown since then about 4 times, and taken it each time. I really think it works for me, I didn't catch anything. If I have a wedding to go to, or any other large crowd thing, I take one. I asked my CF doc about the amount of vit C also, and she told me that b/c most CFers don't absorb all the vitamins out of their food and supplements anyway, the extra vit c is ok. (within reason!-she did't say you could take the whole bottle!)
I think because you take the airborne as a liquid, it makes it much easier to absorb. Which helps since with cf it's already so hard to absorb nutrients.

Anyway, it works for me. I highly reccomend it.


New member

I always catch at least a small cold when I fly. I started taking airborne last year. I've flown since then about 4 times, and taken it each time. I really think it works for me, I didn't catch anything. If I have a wedding to go to, or any other large crowd thing, I take one. I asked my CF doc about the amount of vit C also, and she told me that b/c most CFers don't absorb all the vitamins out of their food and supplements anyway, the extra vit c is ok. (within reason!-she did't say you could take the whole bottle!)
I think because you take the airborne as a liquid, it makes it much easier to absorb. Which helps since with cf it's already so hard to absorb nutrients.

Anyway, it works for me. I highly reccomend it.


New member
i took it for the first time this last December- Didn't have any problems, and I already take 1000mg a day of Vit C. My cousin a elementary school teacher swears by it and hasn't missed any days of work in the last year.


New member
i took it for the first time this last December- Didn't have any problems, and I already take 1000mg a day of Vit C. My cousin a elementary school teacher swears by it and hasn't missed any days of work in the last year.