I'm a DDF508 as well and while I got some benefit from Orkambi, I still didn't feel better a whole lot better on it. I was on Orkambi for about two and a half years. I was switched over to Symdeko which I can absolutely tell is making me better. My lung functions did get better on Orkambi, but Symdeko increased them even more and stabilized me a lot more. I also feel less symptomatic on Symdeko than I did with Orkambi. While I still get plugs up here and there (which I feel I can get up a lot easier now), my cough has decreased big time and chest doesn't feel tight and heavy like it did on Orkambi. While I was taking Orkambi, I was being evaluated for a lung transplant. Symdeko got me healthy enough that I didn't qualify to be evaluated. I also feel like I have a lot more energy. It did not affect what I cultured though.
From the research I've done and from CFers who have gotten to take Trikafta though compassionate use or expanded access, they have also reported a huge decrease in symptoms. Lung functions have improved with some people to put them back to where their lung functions were about a decade ago. A couple of people have noticed a huge difference in just taking their first dose of Trikafta. Some patients have been able to stop some medications, others have not. It affects everyone differently so I can't speak for everyone. Since the approval process with insurances is still new for us, all we really have to go on are the results from the study and the testimonials from those who have had it. I was also told that it won't really affect what we culture. But I have heard great exciting things and how life changing it is.