Trip to Italy


New member
hey girl,

couple of things i wanted to add.

one, plan how you are going to keep your pulmozyme cold. if you stay in a nicer hotel it shouldn't be a problem but remember, refrigeration is NOT as common over there--you are a LOT less likely to have a fridge in your room. and in some places it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to find ice--that is an american thing. if i were you i would take some freezer thingys with you that you can freeze when you have access to refrigeration and will keep your medicine cool during traveling, etc. if there isn't a refrigerator in your room, ask the front desk--they usually have one you can use. just don't let them stick it in a freezer--that is too cold.

two, i do think it is a good idea to have a written statement and contact information from your doctor about all of your medicine and equipment. and of course ask him where a good cf center is near where you will be staying.

three, i know the stuff about nebulizers can be confussing. just make sure that the model you take works on both AC/DC current. and of course you will also need a power converter so that your plug will work in their outlets.

lastly, there have been some good suggestions about cleaning nebulizers. keep in mind there are a lot of different things you can do. some are more or less of a hassle, and will do more or less of a good job too. boiling is great but requires a lot of extra stuff to take. depending on how long you'll be gone, you could probably get away with taking a bottle of isopropyl alcohol to us. then all you will need to do is buy bottled water (sterile if possible) to wash them with soap, and then soak them in alcohol and let them air dry. you would want to make sure you have a container to soak them in, and some antibacterial soap and maybe even some paper towels. i guess either way there is a lot of extra stuff to take, i just found this to be more simple.

also, take a lot of vitamin c. it will help your body with the extra stress of travel (especially before or after airplanes) and it's good to have on hand if you start coming down with something. and depending on what you usually take for infection, it's a nice mental safety net to have some cipro or something on hand if you would need it.




New member
Wow Laura!  Thank you for taking the time to share your
traveling tips with me. I think I will be well prepared between
yours and the others I have received.  I am looking forward to
having a GREAT TIME in Italy!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><br>
P.S. Congratulations Laura on the Canes winning the Stanley Cup!
They were AWESOME!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member

i like your name by the way! i think that pretty much any saline nasal spray is used for the prevention of viruses and bacteria. of course you can also use it if you are sick and trying to clear out your nose a bit. i recently bought some simply saline at the drug store and it states its use is for prevention.



New member
Laura, Xlear has xylitol and tea tree oil (as a preservative) in it and claims to work against bugs in the air. The Momtana name has been given to me by my daughter's friends at college in upstate New York. It's been hard for me to respond to this nickname because I don't feel like a Montanan though I have lived here for 14 years. So I'm trying to get used to it.
I am Laura, too.