Triplet Pictures


New member
Hey Julie,

I too would love to see some post baby pics. If you are planning to email some out (of your belly) send some to me at

Oh, and some baby pics too. When you get some more.

Thanks again for sharing, they are beautiful.

Take care Eli


New member

Thankyou for sharing your measurements and weight. You are right alot of people don't take the time to share that kind of stuff. I was especially curious since I am still growing and expanding. You had alot of baby wieght inside of you. You have already lost alot of weight. That is awesome. And I have to say for having three babies in you, the amount of weight you gained sounded so perfect. You did not get over 160 the whole time. That is so great. I wish I had started my pregnancy journey at that weight. I started at 170 and am at 194 now. I am so envious of you and the amazing miracles You and Mark made.
Thankyou again for sharing so much. Your input is so very helpful and encouraging to me.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

I am glad to hear you are starting to feel better. What a journey you have been on and what a reward!!

Much LOve and continued Health to you and all your angels!!


New member
Julie, don't worry too much about the belly. It takes a while just for the uterus to shrink back to normal size, I'm sure even longer when it stretched to have triplets. And the muscles will tighten up too (and I saw on Oprah that muscles have memory and want to go back). I look at the pics of the first couple weeks after my c-section and laugh because my belly was still so big. I looked very wide. I weighed almost 140 before getting pregnant, and 170 before birth (I'm 5'8). You weighed less than me fully pregnant than I did and I only had one baby! Plus you already weigh less than I do! I got back down to 150 without watching what I ate or exercising. And I wasn't even burning calories breast-feeding like you (I saw someone on tv once that it's like having a treadmill strapped to your chest)! Plus you'll be chasing after 3 little ones, and that will burn lots of calories too. And the scar healed pretty quickly, and turned pink and then to just a thin white line. Hope that makes you feel a little better.

Also, I wanted to ask if you guys have any trouble telling the babies apart? Especially the two boys, since they're identical right? Oh, they're just sooo adorable, seeing newborns always makes me want another one! You all look really good.
P.S. I love that pic up close of Mark holding Tristan (#11). That one needs to go in a frame!

Hoping you're feeling well (with the help of some good drugs of course!) and that everyone is home together soon!


New member
Eli, I'll try to email some tonight. I can email pictures out without downsizing them (I hope they show up at a reasonable size) but I can't post them on here because they are oversize. Mark has the laptop right now and it has the editing software on it and he's home tonight, so myabe tomorrow I can post some more pictures on here, they have all their tubes out except for an NG tube and kind of look like real babies!!!!

Thanks Amber, I'll try not to worry too much!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> YES, we do have trouble telling the boys apart. So do the nurses and docs so they are keeping all their ID bands on, but cassie has only 1 on now (they use to have 3 each). I took an up close picture of both boys together and they look identical, except ryland's face looks a little rounder but it may just be the angle... I'll post it on here as soon as I can shrink the pictures.

Johnna, when did you find out it's a boy?????? Did I miss that good news? Congrats!!!!! I really should have gained like 70lbs, but during the last 4-6 weeks eating became nearly impossible, just so full of baby. I don't think you'll have any trouble loosing the baby weight after your little one, and breastfeeding really is a great calorie burner!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone! I hope to be able to post more pictures tomorrow!!!


New member
Hey Julie,

I'll be looking forward to those pics.

I also wanted to say try not to worry, like what Amber say's. It will take some time for your belly to shrink. especialy after having triplets <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">.

It took me about 6-7 months to get rid of my preggybelly, although i still have a little left. My sister in-law is as skinny as you and she still has a bit of a baggy tummy and its been almost two years. She was realy stretched out with her baby.

LOL, its all part of being a mum. Enjoy!

Eli (not logged in).
I haven't been on in so long and I was thrilled to see that you've had the babies!! I've loved being able to see all the steps of your journey and to finally see the babies is amazing. I love the first picture of you guys. I can't wait to see one with both of you and all three babies! I hope you are able to feel your normal self as soon as is possible and that the babies continue to do well. Oh and I have to agree with whoever posted (I don't recall at the moment) that Mark's eyes are gorgeous! I love blue eyes like it too early to tell the babie's eye colors?


New member

We found out the baby was a boy at my last doc's appt when we had our Ultrasound. I think I was right between 28 and 29 weeks. Sorry to say the pictures turned out really really bad. My first ultrasound pictures I got that looked like the baby was a bean at 13 weeks were a ton better...need I say more.... But, the tech was able to show us like four times that we were having a boy. Everytime she would push around on my belly to get a picture of him, he would kick the wand. It was kinda funny. The lady got to get all the measurements of everything she wanted and the doc said everything was good. I was soo grateful for that. Why do we worry so much??...

I did test positive for gestational diabetes now I have to watch my sugars really close and hope that it does not get worse. The baby needs far with careful watching I am doing okay. I miss my cereals and icecream tho.....Only 10 weeks left.....I am hopeing that things will stay the same with the sugars until then....... The little guy does not seem to mind the cutting back on the sugars tho, he still moves around just as much and now I am getting those Braxton Hicks every day. I have read they are normal as long as I don't get any of the real labor signs I am good. Sorry I am rambling

Now, Brian and I have the fun time of picking a name. Like I should complain... You two had to pick names for three. I am definatley going to breast feed the baby. That helps me to not worry quite so much about losing the weight. I needed to lose some before I got pregnant. With all the energy that I will be expending caring for the baby I hope to get down to a healthier weight. You looked awesome in your pictures that you scanned. What a beautiful family you all are!! I cannot tell you enough times how very happy I am for you!!! The babies look so good!!

Much Love and Continued Great Health To YOu ALL!!


New member
omg triplets !!! you have my most respect if u can carry triplets i dont think i could do it. i freaked out when i thought i am havin twins. thank good ness theres only one. IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUUUUUUU CONGRATES your gonna have your hand full x3 now <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks Eli. I just PM'd lauren about the pictues. I have forgotten to have them taken over the last few days, so I should have someone at home to take them tonight. I'll email them out tonight or tomorrow evening (in between going to the hospital), but won't post them on the open forum, might send someone screaming away!!! LOL

Thank you Naomi. I love Mark's eyes too, LOL <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. It is too early to tell the eye color. They all look like a really really dark grey/blue, but most babies are born with eyes that color. We should know in a few months. I HOPE they get his eyes!!!

Johnna, I'm so happy you guys found out!! Now happy picking out names, LOL. We actually had it lucky because we picked out names LONG before we were even married. Strange, I know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Gestational diabetes... usually pretty darn harmless. I was right on the border, but in all my reading it is SOOOOOO common, it just doesn't get discussed a lot. And in my opinion, it should. I freaked out when they said I was borderline until I started doing some research and found out how common it is. I know what you mean about the later on ultrasound pictures, they are almost impossible to get, not much room in there. and yes, I wouldn't worry too much about the weight. The BFeeding helps plus getting up many times a night (haven't had to for a baby yet, but I get up every 2 hours to pump to keep up my milk supply for 3 babies) and trying to figure out when you are going to eat inbetween caring for the baby... it will all work out <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Thanks vampy. I was acutally very luck to have a smooth pregnancy. No major problems/concerns, which is very very rare and lucky for being pregnant with triplets. Congrats on your pregnancy. I saw your post that you are in the hospital. I hope that they are able to get everything figured out and get you some meds/transfer you to get the best care if that's what is needed. My best to you!


Julie, thanks for posting these pictures. Your babies are adorable! I am so happy for you.


You all look so amazing! Congrats! So happy for you.