Even if you are in some sort of assisted housing she cannot enter your apt at any time. And you having a first floor apartment is a given. You have the right to have that convenience. She has to arrange times and notify you ahead of time if she needs to enter your apartment for a valid repair or inspection. I have heard of cleanliness visits, but the most often I have ever heard of them...and this was an extreeme case was once a month. I think that more involved a social worker than a land lord. This land lady is WAY out of the bounds of what is LEGAL. I do agree that you should establish some ground rules reviewing your rights as a tenant with this lady. (She may be clueless, but she is still breaking the law.) I say this assuming that you have not sat down with her in front of another person to discuss this with her. And I know what assuming does...so you probably have already done this. If she has not responded to that then, you do need to get the authorites involved. She is compromising your quality of life and she has NO RIGHT TO do that! Best of Luck to you! You deserve to be happy and to feel comfortable in your own home!