tryin for disability


New member
aight i am fighting for my disability which because it was shut off i have been homeless and lost my son. i have applied for jobs out the rear end and no one will hire me, even a equal oppertunity employer came right out n said they wont hire me due to frequent bathroom breaks, the amounts of times i eat and all the good crap we go through being cfers. Not only with cf i have many other problems such as depression, adhd, bipolar, scoliosis, GERD and DIOS. And i am always goin into the hospital. i got a lawyer and im waiting on my other denial letter ((My fifth one)) i even tried going to school n that didnt' work either!! I don't know what to do or what to try. please any info would be great, any ideas or bits of information that you might have would help alot, i wanna get my disability back and get my son back.


New member
aight i am fighting for my disability which because it was shut off i have been homeless and lost my son. i have applied for jobs out the rear end and no one will hire me, even a equal oppertunity employer came right out n said they wont hire me due to frequent bathroom breaks, the amounts of times i eat and all the good crap we go through being cfers. Not only with cf i have many other problems such as depression, adhd, bipolar, scoliosis, GERD and DIOS. And i am always goin into the hospital. i got a lawyer and im waiting on my other denial letter ((My fifth one)) i even tried going to school n that didnt' work either!! I don't know what to do or what to try. please any info would be great, any ideas or bits of information that you might have would help alot, i wanna get my disability back and get my son back.


New member
aight i am fighting for my disability which because it was shut off i have been homeless and lost my son. i have applied for jobs out the rear end and no one will hire me, even a equal oppertunity employer came right out n said they wont hire me due to frequent bathroom breaks, the amounts of times i eat and all the good crap we go through being cfers. Not only with cf i have many other problems such as depression, adhd, bipolar, scoliosis, GERD and DIOS. And i am always goin into the hospital. i got a lawyer and im waiting on my other denial letter ((My fifth one)) i even tried going to school n that didnt' work either!! I don't know what to do or what to try. please any info would be great, any ideas or bits of information that you might have would help alot, i wanna get my disability back and get my son back.


New member
aight i am fighting for my disability which because it was shut off i have been homeless and lost my son. i have applied for jobs out the rear end and no one will hire me, even a equal oppertunity employer came right out n said they wont hire me due to frequent bathroom breaks, the amounts of times i eat and all the good crap we go through being cfers. Not only with cf i have many other problems such as depression, adhd, bipolar, scoliosis, GERD and DIOS. And i am always goin into the hospital. i got a lawyer and im waiting on my other denial letter ((My fifth one)) i even tried going to school n that didnt' work either!! I don't know what to do or what to try. please any info would be great, any ideas or bits of information that you might have would help alot, i wanna get my disability back and get my son back.


New member
aight i am fighting for my disability which because it was shut off i have been homeless and lost my son. i have applied for jobs out the rear end and no one will hire me, even a equal oppertunity employer came right out n said they wont hire me due to frequent bathroom breaks, the amounts of times i eat and all the good crap we go through being cfers. Not only with cf i have many other problems such as depression, adhd, bipolar, scoliosis, GERD and DIOS. And i am always goin into the hospital. i got a lawyer and im waiting on my other denial letter ((My fifth one)) i even tried going to school n that didnt' work either!! I don't know what to do or what to try. please any info would be great, any ideas or bits of information that you might have would help alot, i wanna get my disability back and get my son back.


New member
Hi Vampy

good to see ya posting, sorry it's not under better terms. What was the reason they stopped the SSI? I'm do not know much about it, but if u have a lawyer that is prob the best thing u can do. You can also talk to Julie on this site, she is very knowledgable about that stuff and can prob be of great help


New member
Hi Vampy

good to see ya posting, sorry it's not under better terms. What was the reason they stopped the SSI? I'm do not know much about it, but if u have a lawyer that is prob the best thing u can do. You can also talk to Julie on this site, she is very knowledgable about that stuff and can prob be of great help


New member
Hi Vampy

good to see ya posting, sorry it's not under better terms. What was the reason they stopped the SSI? I'm do not know much about it, but if u have a lawyer that is prob the best thing u can do. You can also talk to Julie on this site, she is very knowledgable about that stuff and can prob be of great help


New member
Hi Vampy

good to see ya posting, sorry it's not under better terms. What was the reason they stopped the SSI? I'm do not know much about it, but if u have a lawyer that is prob the best thing u can do. You can also talk to Julie on this site, she is very knowledgable about that stuff and can prob be of great help


New member
Hi Vampy
<br />
<br />good to see ya posting, sorry it's not under better terms. What was the reason they stopped the SSI? I'm do not know much about it, but if u have a lawyer that is prob the best thing u can do. You can also talk to Julie on this site, she is very knowledgable about that stuff and can prob be of great help


New member
As a person with cf I know this fight all to well, what we did is write to all goverment officals in our state, of course this was after a long battle finally they intervend and I was awarded my disabilty. I also had a lawyer but it just didn't seem to be helping thats why we started e-mailing anyone and everyone we could every day over and over, we think they just got tired of all the e-mails but what ever it worked, hope this helps , Chuck


New member
As a person with cf I know this fight all to well, what we did is write to all goverment officals in our state, of course this was after a long battle finally they intervend and I was awarded my disabilty. I also had a lawyer but it just didn't seem to be helping thats why we started e-mailing anyone and everyone we could every day over and over, we think they just got tired of all the e-mails but what ever it worked, hope this helps , Chuck


New member
As a person with cf I know this fight all to well, what we did is write to all goverment officals in our state, of course this was after a long battle finally they intervend and I was awarded my disabilty. I also had a lawyer but it just didn't seem to be helping thats why we started e-mailing anyone and everyone we could every day over and over, we think they just got tired of all the e-mails but what ever it worked, hope this helps , Chuck


New member
As a person with cf I know this fight all to well, what we did is write to all goverment officals in our state, of course this was after a long battle finally they intervend and I was awarded my disabilty. I also had a lawyer but it just didn't seem to be helping thats why we started e-mailing anyone and everyone we could every day over and over, we think they just got tired of all the e-mails but what ever it worked, hope this helps , Chuck


New member
As a person with cf I know this fight all to well, what we did is write to all goverment officals in our state, of course this was after a long battle finally they intervend and I was awarded my disabilty. I also had a lawyer but it just didn't seem to be helping thats why we started e-mailing anyone and everyone we could every day over and over, we think they just got tired of all the e-mails but what ever it worked, hope this helps , Chuck