Trying for baby #2


New member
Hey everyone, i am new on here. My name is Kerrie, 20yrs old with CF. My daughter (Maddison) is 6 months old, and we concieved her naturally after 16 months of trying. My health is very good, FEV1 was 81% before i got pregnant with Maddison, and it is now 77%. We decided to try for baby #2, 2 months ago as we'd love our babies close in age. As it took quite a while to concieve Maddison, we definately don't expect it to happen straight away. I had a pretty easy labour, and Maddison was born at 36 weeks + 1 day.

I would love to hear from other people with CF trying to concieve xx


New member
Hey everyone, i am new on here. My name is Kerrie, 20yrs old with CF. My daughter (Maddison) is 6 months old, and we concieved her naturally after 16 months of trying. My health is very good, FEV1 was 81% before i got pregnant with Maddison, and it is now 77%. We decided to try for baby #2, 2 months ago as we'd love our babies close in age. As it took quite a while to concieve Maddison, we definately don't expect it to happen straight away. I had a pretty easy labour, and Maddison was born at 36 weeks + 1 day.

I would love to hear from other people with CF trying to concieve xx


New member
Hey everyone, i am new on here. My name is Kerrie, 20yrs old with CF. My daughter (Maddison) is 6 months old, and we concieved her naturally after 16 months of trying. My health is very good, FEV1 was 81% before i got pregnant with Maddison, and it is now 77%. We decided to try for baby #2, 2 months ago as we'd love our babies close in age. As it took quite a while to concieve Maddison, we definately don't expect it to happen straight away. I had a pretty easy labour, and Maddison was born at 36 weeks + 1 day.
<br />
<br />I would love to hear from other people with CF trying to concieve xx


Active member
Hi Kerrie,
Congrats on your daughter!
I will be 28, and my husband and I have a 3 yr old daughter. About 1 yr after she was born due to some freak health issues (not related to pregnancy or Cf per se), I got extremely sick and that derailed our plans for baby #2. After my daughter was born I wanted to get preg right away bc everything happened so perfectly the 1st time. I planned on having a baby by the time my daughter was 2.
Well we had to put those plans on hold to address my health. At the time, I was emotionally crushed, but thankfully I made a full recovery and we began ttc when my daughter was a bit over 2. We've now been ttc for a year. Its been a shock for me that its taken this long since w/ my daughter it happened on the 2nd month of ttc.
I just began the 'reproductive' workup and so far everything looks fine. We go to a fertility center next month for further testing. Time will tell...
So as we continue this journey of course I'll keep the forums posted for general info.
You know, to be honest I think you have plenty of time. Believe me, I totally get the feeling of wanting to do it while you are healthy-I agree with that also.
But you are only 20!-And its awesome that you are doing SO well! And a mom on top of that. You seem quite responsible and obviously you've worked hard for what you have.
Congrats on that alone.
I will say that a 6 month old is different from a 1.5 or 2 yr old. Once they gain that independence and the tantrum phase begins (which it will, bc we all went through it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> -it is much more trying to your health/stress levels.
Its certainly <b>not</b> a reason to not have another baby in your/our case, but just a reminder that pacing yourself is very important. Do you have a good support system? I think thats pretty key also.
Also being disciplined with a routine and vigilant with chest pt. (whether you have another baby or not)
Aside from Cf-also be sure that you give yourself the time to really ENJOY Maddison! This time in her little life FLIES by! Savor each moment, it is precious and you can't get it back.

Best wishes as your family grows and keep me posted <b>please</b>!


Active member
Hi Kerrie,
Congrats on your daughter!
I will be 28, and my husband and I have a 3 yr old daughter. About 1 yr after she was born due to some freak health issues (not related to pregnancy or Cf per se), I got extremely sick and that derailed our plans for baby #2. After my daughter was born I wanted to get preg right away bc everything happened so perfectly the 1st time. I planned on having a baby by the time my daughter was 2.
Well we had to put those plans on hold to address my health. At the time, I was emotionally crushed, but thankfully I made a full recovery and we began ttc when my daughter was a bit over 2. We've now been ttc for a year. Its been a shock for me that its taken this long since w/ my daughter it happened on the 2nd month of ttc.
I just began the 'reproductive' workup and so far everything looks fine. We go to a fertility center next month for further testing. Time will tell...
So as we continue this journey of course I'll keep the forums posted for general info.
You know, to be honest I think you have plenty of time. Believe me, I totally get the feeling of wanting to do it while you are healthy-I agree with that also.
But you are only 20!-And its awesome that you are doing SO well! And a mom on top of that. You seem quite responsible and obviously you've worked hard for what you have.
Congrats on that alone.
I will say that a 6 month old is different from a 1.5 or 2 yr old. Once they gain that independence and the tantrum phase begins (which it will, bc we all went through it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> -it is much more trying to your health/stress levels.
Its certainly <b>not</b> a reason to not have another baby in your/our case, but just a reminder that pacing yourself is very important. Do you have a good support system? I think thats pretty key also.
Also being disciplined with a routine and vigilant with chest pt. (whether you have another baby or not)
Aside from Cf-also be sure that you give yourself the time to really ENJOY Maddison! This time in her little life FLIES by! Savor each moment, it is precious and you can't get it back.

Best wishes as your family grows and keep me posted <b>please</b>!


Active member
Hi Kerrie,
<br />Congrats on your daughter!
<br />I will be 28, and my husband and I have a 3 yr old daughter. About 1 yr after she was born due to some freak health issues (not related to pregnancy or Cf per se), I got extremely sick and that derailed our plans for baby #2. After my daughter was born I wanted to get preg right away bc everything happened so perfectly the 1st time. I planned on having a baby by the time my daughter was 2.
<br />Well we had to put those plans on hold to address my health. At the time, I was emotionally crushed, but thankfully I made a full recovery and we began ttc when my daughter was a bit over 2. We've now been ttc for a year. Its been a shock for me that its taken this long since w/ my daughter it happened on the 2nd month of ttc.
<br />I just began the 'reproductive' workup and so far everything looks fine. We go to a fertility center next month for further testing. Time will tell...
<br />So as we continue this journey of course I'll keep the forums posted for general info.
<br />You know, to be honest I think you have plenty of time. Believe me, I totally get the feeling of wanting to do it while you are healthy-I agree with that also.
<br />But you are only 20!-And its awesome that you are doing SO well! And a mom on top of that. You seem quite responsible and obviously you've worked hard for what you have.
<br />Congrats on that alone.
<br />I will say that a 6 month old is different from a 1.5 or 2 yr old. Once they gain that independence and the tantrum phase begins (which it will, bc we all went through it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> -it is much more trying to your health/stress levels.
<br />Its certainly <b>not</b> a reason to not have another baby in your/our case, but just a reminder that pacing yourself is very important. Do you have a good support system? I think thats pretty key also.
<br />Also being disciplined with a routine and vigilant with chest pt. (whether you have another baby or not)
<br />Aside from Cf-also be sure that you give yourself the time to really ENJOY Maddison! This time in her little life FLIES by! Savor each moment, it is precious and you can't get it back.
<br />
<br />Best wishes as your family grows and keep me posted <b>please</b>!


Active member
Oh btw, may I ask you about your pregnancy with Maddison?-You say it took you 16 months to conceive her-Did you do anything in particular that you feel helped you conceive?
!6 months is a long time-esp at your age. Just wondering. I'm trying to gather as much feedback as possible for my own situation.


Active member
Oh btw, may I ask you about your pregnancy with Maddison?-You say it took you 16 months to conceive her-Did you do anything in particular that you feel helped you conceive?
!6 months is a long time-esp at your age. Just wondering. I'm trying to gather as much feedback as possible for my own situation.


Active member
Oh btw, may I ask you about your pregnancy with Maddison?-You say it took you 16 months to conceive her-Did you do anything in particular that you feel helped you conceive?
<br />!6 months is a long time-esp at your age. Just wondering. I'm trying to gather as much feedback as possible for my own situation.


New member
Thankyou for your reply.
With Maddison, we didn't try but we didn't prevent (for 16 months), Then the month before she was concieved i started on folic acid. But that is all.
I had around 4 bleeds when pregnant, as i have low platelet count, and i also went into early labour at 32 weeks and 5 days, which after alot of medication, was luckily stopped and i was then induced at 36 weeks. Other than that, my health was great throughout my pregnancy, my FEV1 was the highest it had been in 3 years. Today my FEV1 was 74%.

If this month isn't our month, we are going to put TTC on hold until next year as my husband is in the forces and going out on tour to Afghanistan for a little over 6 months.

I feel very blessed to have had Maddison, i still find myself looking at her, and it melts me completely.



New member
Thankyou for your reply.
With Maddison, we didn't try but we didn't prevent (for 16 months), Then the month before she was concieved i started on folic acid. But that is all.
I had around 4 bleeds when pregnant, as i have low platelet count, and i also went into early labour at 32 weeks and 5 days, which after alot of medication, was luckily stopped and i was then induced at 36 weeks. Other than that, my health was great throughout my pregnancy, my FEV1 was the highest it had been in 3 years. Today my FEV1 was 74%.

If this month isn't our month, we are going to put TTC on hold until next year as my husband is in the forces and going out on tour to Afghanistan for a little over 6 months.

I feel very blessed to have had Maddison, i still find myself looking at her, and it melts me completely.



New member
Thankyou for your reply.
<br />With Maddison, we didn't try but we didn't prevent (for 16 months), Then the month before she was concieved i started on folic acid. But that is all.
<br />I had around 4 bleeds when pregnant, as i have low platelet count, and i also went into early labour at 32 weeks and 5 days, which after alot of medication, was luckily stopped and i was then induced at 36 weeks. Other than that, my health was great throughout my pregnancy, my FEV1 was the highest it had been in 3 years. Today my FEV1 was 74%.
<br />
<br />If this month isn't our month, we are going to put TTC on hold until next year as my husband is in the forces and going out on tour to Afghanistan for a little over 6 months.
<br />
<br />I feel very blessed to have had Maddison, i still find myself looking at her, and it melts me completely.
<br />
<br />xx