Trying to decide how to tell


New member
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">Hello, My name is Angie mom of two cfers
My grl now 11 is going through a tough time i see a change in her atitude
a typ of lonelyness she has a few friends however being number 4 in a family of 8 children
her friends lend not much to her perhaps its the teenage thing but we just had a new girlfriend of my oldest son come to my home and this grls best friend has CF i found out when the child was already in my home my naomi was so happy to be able to talk to some one she finally had some thing incommin with and that scared me the simple fact that i have no idia ofthis grls medical history what she cultured ect. and if she has something that could get my kids sick or if they can get her sick how do i tell my grl that its not all that safe to be with other CF children in a nice way or am.i just to NUTS


New member

I htink this is something that you should talk to your doctor about.

From what I have heard, two people with CF can be in the same room, although it is not encouraged, as they can pass bacteria and that can be dangerous.

If they have to be in the same room for whatever reason, I hear that they have to keep a distance of minimum 3 feet.

hope that helps some....


New member
shes not going to catch somethign from the non cf friend...and if she does happen to be around this girl with cf or someone else...dont freak out...just make sure there is no coughign on each other, frequent hand washing, no sharing drinks or food....main thing is no breathing on each other or sharing of spit (drinks, kissing)....and if they stay at least 3 feet away thats fine...and I see no problem with her meeting others IF they are both healthy, dont have an infection at the time...and one of them doesnt have cepecia...even then you can still meet but be VERY CAREFUL like masks and stuff if one has a bad bug like cepecia, mrsa, even pseudo if one of them doesnt have it.

Besides that what about letting her talk on the phone, email, meet this girl outdoors in the fresh air? It wont hurt, and will mean the world to your daughter. There is no way to tell if a person has cf with out asking...Its one of those things where you just have to go on and do things, live your life. Dont worry about it till it comes up, yes you can prevent some bacteria from spreading, I am talking about dont worry unless she wants to meet with other cfers, kinda like there is no reason to worry about her wedding day till the time comes...did that make sense?