CF cyster, good luck!!! My husband and I stopped birth control in the late winter of 2011 and had a long and hard stretch before I finally got pregnant this midsummer. For me, it was Kalydeco that was the literal miracle, but infertility problems are pretty common in CF women.
One thing I HIGHLY recommend doing is beginning to chart your cycles. You can learn how to do this online, or (my preference) you can read the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." It's a pretty easy read, and fascinating. I felt like I learned so much about my body in reading it. Fertility charting is a really great way to figure out if there are any immediate issues with your cycle or cervical mucus. For me, within just a few months of going off of birth control I could tell exactly what my problem was. Because I had very long, irregular cycles, charting was a much more reliable way to figure out my issues than tests, which are more reliable if you have regular cycles. I was able to skip several of the regular fertility tests and just pinpoint the important ones for me because I already knew so much from my charting. I was also able to take my charts into the doctor, show him the problems, give him my theories, and have a very informed discussion about what I thought the best options were for treatment. I felt like it really sped up my infertility treatment process a lot - because of my charting, my doctor was ready to give me fertility meds about six months after going off birth control, whereas the standard is that you have to wait a year.
Also, I have always had high lung function (in the 80s when I was trying) and have had good weight for almost the whole time I was trying to conceive. Contrary to what a lot of doctors believe, low weight and cervical mucus are NOT the only things that can cause fertility problems in CF women. From my charts, I could tell that I was again and again having a classic "stress reaction" and skipping ovulation. My body would gear up to ovulate sometimes as many times as 5 or 6 times, and then fail because my hormone levels were too low. When I finally did ovulate it was usually a good 2 months out from the start of my cycle, sometimes more. Also, if I got sick, I stopped ovulating altogether, for six months or longer. My theory, which all my doctors agreed with, was that the stress of CF on my body was causing me to miss ovulation again and again. I'm 100% sure that is why kalydeco was what got me pregnant finally - it took enough stress off my body and let the hormone levels normalize a bit.
Anyway, sorry for that very long response! There is also a really GREAT forum for CF women who have kids or are trying - There are a lot of women TTC on there, as well as several who have children and several who are pregnant. It's the best resource I've found so far for info about CF pregnancies.