UConn Nursing Student looking for someone to interview for school project


New member

My name is Eva Sanchez and I am a nursing student at the university of connecticut. i am doing a project on cystic fibrosis and i need to include some information about the lived experience. there are some detailed questions involved. if anyone is interested in helping me you can just reply to this post.

thank you for your time.



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If there's anything I can do to help, my email is Ryallieahava@yahoo.com or my AIM is ryallieahava


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I will be happy to help. My e-mail address is sdelorenzo@sbcglobal.net
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


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I would love to help......
My email is rksmith98@verizon.net
My msn messenger is rksmith98@verizon.net
My aim is LibertyCFer68

Take your pick LOL


New member
How could I not help! I'm a nursing professor with a 5 year old with CF and a 8 year old noneffected. My email is hduncan@northpark.edu