Ultrasonic nebulizers vs. eFlow


New member
Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...


New member
Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...


New member
Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...


New member
Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...


New member
Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...</end quote></div>

That's probably a question to ask the manufacturer, or the Pharmacist if he may happen to know. Though "Designed for" and "Approved" are totally different, perhaps if you happen to ask the manufacturer about using it with the saline, to find out whether they're going to get it approved (since they did design it for that use, anyway).

BTW, any side-effects from injesting hydrogen peroxide? If not, that'd be the way to go, rather than putting soap in there--something that is ill-advised to injest. though I also wonder if soaking it overnight in hot water means the water has to maintain a certain temperature to be "hot". too bad you can't just run distilled water through it after you've rinsed it in hot water and let it dry, or soaking it overnight in "hot" water....

Eileen! How's it going!?


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...</end quote></div>

That's probably a question to ask the manufacturer, or the Pharmacist if he may happen to know. Though "Designed for" and "Approved" are totally different, perhaps if you happen to ask the manufacturer about using it with the saline, to find out whether they're going to get it approved (since they did design it for that use, anyway).

BTW, any side-effects from injesting hydrogen peroxide? If not, that'd be the way to go, rather than putting soap in there--something that is ill-advised to injest. though I also wonder if soaking it overnight in hot water means the water has to maintain a certain temperature to be "hot". too bad you can't just run distilled water through it after you've rinsed it in hot water and let it dry, or soaking it overnight in "hot" water....

Eileen! How's it going!?


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...</end quote></div>

That's probably a question to ask the manufacturer, or the Pharmacist if he may happen to know. Though "Designed for" and "Approved" are totally different, perhaps if you happen to ask the manufacturer about using it with the saline, to find out whether they're going to get it approved (since they did design it for that use, anyway).

BTW, any side-effects from injesting hydrogen peroxide? If not, that'd be the way to go, rather than putting soap in there--something that is ill-advised to injest. though I also wonder if soaking it overnight in hot water means the water has to maintain a certain temperature to be "hot". too bad you can't just run distilled water through it after you've rinsed it in hot water and let it dry, or soaking it overnight in "hot" water....

Eileen! How's it going!?


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...</end quote>

That's probably a question to ask the manufacturer, or the Pharmacist if he may happen to know. Though "Designed for" and "Approved" are totally different, perhaps if you happen to ask the manufacturer about using it with the saline, to find out whether they're going to get it approved (since they did design it for that use, anyway).

BTW, any side-effects from injesting hydrogen peroxide? If not, that'd be the way to go, rather than putting soap in there--something that is ill-advised to injest. though I also wonder if soaking it overnight in hot water means the water has to maintain a certain temperature to be "hot". too bad you can't just run distilled water through it after you've rinsed it in hot water and let it dry, or soaking it overnight in "hot" water....

Eileen! How's it going!?


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Keeping in mind, that it doesn't say "Approved" it says "Designed for" in reference to the meds...</end quote>

That's probably a question to ask the manufacturer, or the Pharmacist if he may happen to know. Though "Designed for" and "Approved" are totally different, perhaps if you happen to ask the manufacturer about using it with the saline, to find out whether they're going to get it approved (since they did design it for that use, anyway).

BTW, any side-effects from injesting hydrogen peroxide? If not, that'd be the way to go, rather than putting soap in there--something that is ill-advised to injest. though I also wonder if soaking it overnight in hot water means the water has to maintain a certain temperature to be "hot". too bad you can't just run distilled water through it after you've rinsed it in hot water and let it dry, or soaking it overnight in "hot" water....

Eileen! How's it going!?


New member
Thanks Eileen and Fred!
The HS comment on the Aeroneb Go page was one of the things that interested me- the part about the noncorrosive mesh (and other alloy components), and being suitable for HS...I thought that big part of the problem with the eFlow was that it got clogged, not corroded(?), but that may also be an issue that has to do with the 1000 holes, vs the 4000 holes (hole size?)...I had read that some people had been doing their HS in the eFlow, but if I ever get one, I will stick to just the "meds" in it- too paranoid, lol.

I guess I should have been clearer about the cleaning- I rinse it in hot water, let the Hydrogen Peroxide neb through it (just sit in on the counter plugged in for a few minutes), and then rinse again and let it dry. When I start using for my Xopenex, I will be using cooled boiled water for the final rinse, but I'm not sweating it now, since it is my nose, I am not breathing into it, and am using an antibiotic in it everytime...so far, so good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

The water doesn't have to be hot all night (he did say that) just that that was the easiest way to do it- put it in hot water last thing of the day, and leave it overnight.

They also had other ways of cleaning it, including sanitizing solutions on the page with the instructions on the internet (different from what I got from the pharmacy- maybe it has changed since the page was put up? Another question for the pharmacist <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

I will email the company sometime this week (hopefully!) and let you know what I get back.

Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
Thanks Eileen and Fred!
The HS comment on the Aeroneb Go page was one of the things that interested me- the part about the noncorrosive mesh (and other alloy components), and being suitable for HS...I thought that big part of the problem with the eFlow was that it got clogged, not corroded(?), but that may also be an issue that has to do with the 1000 holes, vs the 4000 holes (hole size?)...I had read that some people had been doing their HS in the eFlow, but if I ever get one, I will stick to just the "meds" in it- too paranoid, lol.

I guess I should have been clearer about the cleaning- I rinse it in hot water, let the Hydrogen Peroxide neb through it (just sit in on the counter plugged in for a few minutes), and then rinse again and let it dry. When I start using for my Xopenex, I will be using cooled boiled water for the final rinse, but I'm not sweating it now, since it is my nose, I am not breathing into it, and am using an antibiotic in it everytime...so far, so good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

The water doesn't have to be hot all night (he did say that) just that that was the easiest way to do it- put it in hot water last thing of the day, and leave it overnight.

They also had other ways of cleaning it, including sanitizing solutions on the page with the instructions on the internet (different from what I got from the pharmacy- maybe it has changed since the page was put up? Another question for the pharmacist <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

I will email the company sometime this week (hopefully!) and let you know what I get back.

Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
Thanks Eileen and Fred!
The HS comment on the Aeroneb Go page was one of the things that interested me- the part about the noncorrosive mesh (and other alloy components), and being suitable for HS...I thought that big part of the problem with the eFlow was that it got clogged, not corroded(?), but that may also be an issue that has to do with the 1000 holes, vs the 4000 holes (hole size?)...I had read that some people had been doing their HS in the eFlow, but if I ever get one, I will stick to just the "meds" in it- too paranoid, lol.

I guess I should have been clearer about the cleaning- I rinse it in hot water, let the Hydrogen Peroxide neb through it (just sit in on the counter plugged in for a few minutes), and then rinse again and let it dry. When I start using for my Xopenex, I will be using cooled boiled water for the final rinse, but I'm not sweating it now, since it is my nose, I am not breathing into it, and am using an antibiotic in it everytime...so far, so good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

The water doesn't have to be hot all night (he did say that) just that that was the easiest way to do it- put it in hot water last thing of the day, and leave it overnight.

They also had other ways of cleaning it, including sanitizing solutions on the page with the instructions on the internet (different from what I got from the pharmacy- maybe it has changed since the page was put up? Another question for the pharmacist <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

I will email the company sometime this week (hopefully!) and let you know what I get back.

Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
Thanks Eileen and Fred!
The HS comment on the Aeroneb Go page was one of the things that interested me- the part about the noncorrosive mesh (and other alloy components), and being suitable for HS...I thought that big part of the problem with the eFlow was that it got clogged, not corroded(?), but that may also be an issue that has to do with the 1000 holes, vs the 4000 holes (hole size?)...I had read that some people had been doing their HS in the eFlow, but if I ever get one, I will stick to just the "meds" in it- too paranoid, lol.

I guess I should have been clearer about the cleaning- I rinse it in hot water, let the Hydrogen Peroxide neb through it (just sit in on the counter plugged in for a few minutes), and then rinse again and let it dry. When I start using for my Xopenex, I will be using cooled boiled water for the final rinse, but I'm not sweating it now, since it is my nose, I am not breathing into it, and am using an antibiotic in it everytime...so far, so good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

The water doesn't have to be hot all night (he did say that) just that that was the easiest way to do it- put it in hot water last thing of the day, and leave it overnight.

They also had other ways of cleaning it, including sanitizing solutions on the page with the instructions on the internet (different from what I got from the pharmacy- maybe it has changed since the page was put up? Another question for the pharmacist <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

I will email the company sometime this week (hopefully!) and let you know what I get back.

Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
Thanks Eileen and Fred!
The HS comment on the Aeroneb Go page was one of the things that interested me- the part about the noncorrosive mesh (and other alloy components), and being suitable for HS...I thought that big part of the problem with the eFlow was that it got clogged, not corroded(?), but that may also be an issue that has to do with the 1000 holes, vs the 4000 holes (hole size?)...I had read that some people had been doing their HS in the eFlow, but if I ever get one, I will stick to just the "meds" in it- too paranoid, lol.

I guess I should have been clearer about the cleaning- I rinse it in hot water, let the Hydrogen Peroxide neb through it (just sit in on the counter plugged in for a few minutes), and then rinse again and let it dry. When I start using for my Xopenex, I will be using cooled boiled water for the final rinse, but I'm not sweating it now, since it is my nose, I am not breathing into it, and am using an antibiotic in it everytime...so far, so good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

The water doesn't have to be hot all night (he did say that) just that that was the easiest way to do it- put it in hot water last thing of the day, and leave it overnight.

They also had other ways of cleaning it, including sanitizing solutions on the page with the instructions on the internet (different from what I got from the pharmacy- maybe it has changed since the page was put up? Another question for the pharmacist <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .

I will email the company sometime this week (hopefully!) and let you know what I get back.

Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>
Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .</end quote></div>

Depending on how often you use it and how long the Alkaline lasts, maybe getting a charger and the NiMH batteries would be ecologically better (maybe brighten catboogies day, too, hehe), rather than going through a ton of batteries all the time. (The NiMH has a better life-span than the NiCad, and less likely to have a "recharge memory", along with a slightly higher output curve over the NiCad...however, since an Alkaline is about 600mA/H on an average rating, the NiMH shouldn't exceed more than 1,000mA/H (or it may never discharge while being used with the machine) That is something of my opinion, but should be addressed as a question for the manufacturer. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>
Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .</end quote></div>

Depending on how often you use it and how long the Alkaline lasts, maybe getting a charger and the NiMH batteries would be ecologically better (maybe brighten catboogies day, too, hehe), rather than going through a ton of batteries all the time. (The NiMH has a better life-span than the NiCad, and less likely to have a "recharge memory", along with a slightly higher output curve over the NiCad...however, since an Alkaline is about 600mA/H on an average rating, the NiMH shouldn't exceed more than 1,000mA/H (or it may never discharge while being used with the machine) That is something of my opinion, but should be addressed as a question for the manufacturer. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>
Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .</end quote></div>

Depending on how often you use it and how long the Alkaline lasts, maybe getting a charger and the NiMH batteries would be ecologically better (maybe brighten catboogies day, too, hehe), rather than going through a ton of batteries all the time. (The NiMH has a better life-span than the NiCad, and less likely to have a "recharge memory", along with a slightly higher output curve over the NiCad...however, since an Alkaline is about 600mA/H on an average rating, the NiMH shouldn't exceed more than 1,000mA/H (or it may never discharge while being used with the machine) That is something of my opinion, but should be addressed as a question for the manufacturer. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>
Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .</end quote>

Depending on how often you use it and how long the Alkaline lasts, maybe getting a charger and the NiMH batteries would be ecologically better (maybe brighten catboogies day, too, hehe), rather than going through a ton of batteries all the time. (The NiMH has a better life-span than the NiCad, and less likely to have a "recharge memory", along with a slightly higher output curve over the NiCad...however, since an Alkaline is about 600mA/H on an average rating, the NiMH shouldn't exceed more than 1,000mA/H (or it may never discharge while being used with the machine) That is something of my opinion, but should be addressed as a question for the manufacturer. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>
Oh, 2-AA alkaline batteries for the battery pack, Fred <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .</end quote>

Depending on how often you use it and how long the Alkaline lasts, maybe getting a charger and the NiMH batteries would be ecologically better (maybe brighten catboogies day, too, hehe), rather than going through a ton of batteries all the time. (The NiMH has a better life-span than the NiCad, and less likely to have a "recharge memory", along with a slightly higher output curve over the NiCad...however, since an Alkaline is about 600mA/H on an average rating, the NiMH shouldn't exceed more than 1,000mA/H (or it may never discharge while being used with the machine) That is something of my opinion, but should be addressed as a question for the manufacturer. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">