Ultrasound shows fluid in intestines


New member
My daughter is 24 weeks pregnant and the ultrasound shows fluid in one loop of the small intestine. The consultant has warned her this may mean the baby has CF.
Has anyone had this and then gone on to have a healthy baby? We are planning to go ahead and have the baby girl but wonder whether the ultrasound scan will mean that the consultant is right.
We do have CF in the family- my brother has genetically absent vas and my cousin had full blown CF and died at age 21.


New member
My daughter is 24 weeks pregnant and the ultrasound shows fluid in one loop of the small intestine. The consultant has warned her this may mean the baby has CF.
Has anyone had this and then gone on to have a healthy baby? We are planning to go ahead and have the baby girl but wonder whether the ultrasound scan will mean that the consultant is right.
We do have CF in the family- my brother has genetically absent vas and my cousin had full blown CF and died at age 21.


New member
My daughter is 24 weeks pregnant and the ultrasound shows fluid in one loop of the small intestine. The consultant has warned her this may mean the baby has CF.
Has anyone had this and then gone on to have a healthy baby? We are planning to go ahead and have the baby girl but wonder whether the ultrasound scan will mean that the consultant is right.
We do have CF in the family- my brother has genetically absent vas and my cousin had full blown CF and died at age 21.


Staff member
Sometimes called eugenic (sp) bowel. Some cfers are born with bowel obstructions due to meconium illeus. Same thick sticky mucus that can affect the lungs, also can cause digestive issues. With DS his US didn't show any problems; however, shortly after he was born it was determined he had a bowel obstruction and had to be lifeflighted to a hospital with a high level NICU and had to have surgery.


Staff member
Sometimes called eugenic (sp) bowel. Some cfers are born with bowel obstructions due to meconium illeus. Same thick sticky mucus that can affect the lungs, also can cause digestive issues. With DS his US didn't show any problems; however, shortly after he was born it was determined he had a bowel obstruction and had to be lifeflighted to a hospital with a high level NICU and had to have surgery.


Staff member
Sometimes called eugenic (sp) bowel. Some cfers are born with bowel obstructions due to meconium illeus. Same thick sticky mucus that can affect the lungs, also can cause digestive issues. With DS his US didn't show any problems; however, shortly after he was born it was determined he had a bowel obstruction and had to be lifeflighted to a hospital with a high level NICU and had to have surgery.


New member
Well my grandaughter was born 20 July 2007 and yes the scan was correct- she does have CF.
I guess I will be using this forum a lot from now on.
best wishes and thanks to all contributors for sharing your stories.


New member
Well my grandaughter was born 20 July 2007 and yes the scan was correct- she does have CF.
I guess I will be using this forum a lot from now on.
best wishes and thanks to all contributors for sharing your stories.


New member
Well my grandaughter was born 20 July 2007 and yes the scan was correct- she does have CF.
I guess I will be using this forum a lot from now on.
best wishes and thanks to all contributors for sharing your stories.


New member
Well my grandaughter was born 20 July 2007 and yes the scan was correct- she does have CF.
I guess I will be using this forum a lot from now on.
best wishes and thanks to all contributors for sharing your stories.


New member
Well my grandaughter was born 20 July 2007 and yes the scan was correct- she does have CF.
I guess I will be using this forum a lot from now on.
best wishes and thanks to all contributors for sharing your stories.


New member
I'm sorry for the diagnosis Sanje. But I hope that you can find a lot of support here. I encourage you to use the Families section since that is where most people with children and babies post.


New member
I'm sorry for the diagnosis Sanje. But I hope that you can find a lot of support here. I encourage you to use the Families section since that is where most people with children and babies post.


New member
I'm sorry for the diagnosis Sanje. But I hope that you can find a lot of support here. I encourage you to use the Families section since that is where most people with children and babies post.


New member
I'm sorry for the diagnosis Sanje. But I hope that you can find a lot of support here. I encourage you to use the Families section since that is where most people with children and babies post.


New member
I'm sorry for the diagnosis Sanje. But I hope that you can find a lot of support here. I encourage you to use the Families section since that is where most people with children and babies post.