Adam, Although I visit this site regularly, this is the first time I have seen your posting. I know it is tough to get the diagnosis, because I will never forget the day when we received ours. Ashley was 8 weeks old at diagnosis and it was a long 8 weeks so you are fortunate to know prenatally. She is also double Delta F508. Kaylee will definitely take enzymes because mutations determine the severity of digestive problems, but do not seem to affect respiratory problems. Today Ashley is 3 1/2 and doing fabulous. In fact she has never been more healthy. Another website, which also does not get much traffic, is fundraising, I recommend doing what we do. Participate in the events run locally, such as the walk-a-thons etc., but also create your own. We have done a golf tournament, 2 bowl-a-thons, a hockey game, a baseball game, and a cookbook. This allows you to work at your own pace and do things that you, your friends and family all enjoy. Contact your local association and they can help you get started. My only suggestion is to wait until you have adapted to your new lifestyle. Being a new parent is a big adjustment in itself, but you have the little extras as well.Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your daughter. I wish you much health & happiness.AM