Unexpected return


New member

About 7 weeks ago now i was in for a tune-up here in DC. Usual exacerbation of MRSA, was treated for 6 days or so with Vanco, Merrem and TObi IVs, along with TPN, the routine asortment. Went home fine, took me off the meds 4 weeks later but kept the TPN on longer.

Last tuesday i had a slight fever for a day, so of course my docs were worried. It went away on its own and then i came in for a folowup on friday and had an elevated HR and a 100 fever, they were concerned now and put me into ICU as a precaution of an infection with my picc line.

Started the broad spectrum meds and remnoved the line and took cultures. Turns out i had mrsa in my blood from the line, and we caught it early. This happened to me 3 years ago with my line but i was MUCH sicker a lot faster and it was a yeast infection in my blood.

Today one of my 2nd cultures came back pos, so more are in the works til thursday. I was hoping to go home soon but stuck here longer, praying this is cleared up but wont find out til thursday. Then going to get another picc in or try for the port again on friday or late thursday.

i was just curious has this happened to anyone else? i know it is something for the most part out of my control. i keep my line and my site very clean, but the sugars in the tpn are a great breeding source for bacteria i guess

just frustrated i guess, being back in here...especially with a trip coming up next weekend that ive been planning



New member

About 7 weeks ago now i was in for a tune-up here in DC. Usual exacerbation of MRSA, was treated for 6 days or so with Vanco, Merrem and TObi IVs, along with TPN, the routine asortment. Went home fine, took me off the meds 4 weeks later but kept the TPN on longer.

Last tuesday i had a slight fever for a day, so of course my docs were worried. It went away on its own and then i came in for a folowup on friday and had an elevated HR and a 100 fever, they were concerned now and put me into ICU as a precaution of an infection with my picc line.

Started the broad spectrum meds and remnoved the line and took cultures. Turns out i had mrsa in my blood from the line, and we caught it early. This happened to me 3 years ago with my line but i was MUCH sicker a lot faster and it was a yeast infection in my blood.

Today one of my 2nd cultures came back pos, so more are in the works til thursday. I was hoping to go home soon but stuck here longer, praying this is cleared up but wont find out til thursday. Then going to get another picc in or try for the port again on friday or late thursday.

i was just curious has this happened to anyone else? i know it is something for the most part out of my control. i keep my line and my site very clean, but the sugars in the tpn are a great breeding source for bacteria i guess

just frustrated i guess, being back in here...especially with a trip coming up next weekend that ive been planning



New member
<br />
<br />About 7 weeks ago now i was in for a tune-up here in DC. Usual exacerbation of MRSA, was treated for 6 days or so with Vanco, Merrem and TObi IVs, along with TPN, the routine asortment. Went home fine, took me off the meds 4 weeks later but kept the TPN on longer.
<br />
<br />Last tuesday i had a slight fever for a day, so of course my docs were worried. It went away on its own and then i came in for a folowup on friday and had an elevated HR and a 100 fever, they were concerned now and put me into ICU as a precaution of an infection with my picc line.
<br />
<br />Started the broad spectrum meds and remnoved the line and took cultures. Turns out i had mrsa in my blood from the line, and we caught it early. This happened to me 3 years ago with my line but i was MUCH sicker a lot faster and it was a yeast infection in my blood.
<br />
<br />Today one of my 2nd cultures came back pos, so more are in the works til thursday. I was hoping to go home soon but stuck here longer, praying this is cleared up but wont find out til thursday. Then going to get another picc in or try for the port again on friday or late thursday.
<br />
<br />i was just curious has this happened to anyone else? i know it is something for the most part out of my control. i keep my line and my site very clean, but the sugars in the tpn are a great breeding source for bacteria i guess
<br />
<br />just frustrated i guess, being back in here...especially with a trip coming up next weekend that ive been planning
<br />
<br />
<br />chris


New member
Dude, this sucks. Last time I did home IV antibiotics my picc got infected and they had to pull it early. At that point though I was 2 days from being done, so they just decided to leave it out. I have MRSA in my sputum and Ive always been worried about infecting my own line. I think I would ask if the TPN could be in saline solution instead of sugar. They never use sugar for my IVs becuase theyre worried about my blood sugar, maybe they coud do it to reduce the chance of infection? Are they going to keep you until the MRSA in your blood clears up? hopefully you'll get out in time for your trip <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Dude, this sucks. Last time I did home IV antibiotics my picc got infected and they had to pull it early. At that point though I was 2 days from being done, so they just decided to leave it out. I have MRSA in my sputum and Ive always been worried about infecting my own line. I think I would ask if the TPN could be in saline solution instead of sugar. They never use sugar for my IVs becuase theyre worried about my blood sugar, maybe they coud do it to reduce the chance of infection? Are they going to keep you until the MRSA in your blood clears up? hopefully you'll get out in time for your trip <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Dude, this sucks. Last time I did home IV antibiotics my picc got infected and they had to pull it early. At that point though I was 2 days from being done, so they just decided to leave it out. I have MRSA in my sputum and Ive always been worried about infecting my own line. I think I would ask if the TPN could be in saline solution instead of sugar. They never use sugar for my IVs becuase theyre worried about my blood sugar, maybe they coud do it to reduce the chance of infection? Are they going to keep you until the MRSA in your blood clears up? hopefully you'll get out in time for your trip <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
my blood cultures are negative now so i am happy about that! now it is just up to the OR scheduling to get a new picc in for the antibiotics for a few more weeks. if not tomorrow then i have to wait til monday

but i am feeling pretty good now...really to get home!


New member
my blood cultures are negative now so i am happy about that! now it is just up to the OR scheduling to get a new picc in for the antibiotics for a few more weeks. if not tomorrow then i have to wait til monday

but i am feeling pretty good now...really to get home!


New member
my blood cultures are negative now so i am happy about that! now it is just up to the OR scheduling to get a new picc in for the antibiotics for a few more weeks. if not tomorrow then i have to wait til monday
<br />
<br />but i am feeling pretty good now...really to get home!