Unhappy baby due to CF?


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<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> Just me again looking for answers.....My wee one of 4 months with CF has never really been a happy baby. I was just wondering if other Mums are experiencing the same thing or is it not a CF thing but just him being a baby?! He has been on enzymes since he was diagnosed at 5 weeks (from the newborn screen test) but I was just wondering if his digestion due to CF is causing him grief &/or maybe he is hungrier than a bub with no CF (& not getting enough from me as he is breast fed), as I have read that people with CF need more calories & general intake is 120-150% more than non CF. Is this true?

Yours in Health
Donna (mum of baby boy 4mths w/cf daughter 3 1/2yrs wo/cf)


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My little girl just turned 6 months and has been on enzymes since 2 weeks. She was breastfeed till a few weeks ago (she weaned hersefl). I did supplement 1 bottle daily to help get all of her salt in. It was at the end of the day. I just ran out of milk I guess after her nursing almost every hour during the day. For the most part she is a very happy baby unless she is sick. You may want to talk to the dr about maybe increasing enzymes. I am not sure how many she is taking before she eats. Hailey was real grumpy for some time, then they increased her enzymes and she is a lot better.


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Its also possible that he might have some acid refllux of some sort. How are his stools? Does he seem to be constipated?


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Sydney was/still is always a happy baby. Now that I look back, I am amazed at how happy she was bc she wasn't diagnosed until after her 1st bday. She was fed breastmilk for 10 months but I pumped exclusively and had a HUGE supply, so there was always plenty for her. I fed her whenever she seemed hungry. I will say though that I remember her waking up from naps/nighttime sleep and she would scream and scream while I rushed around to get her bottle for her. . . I would imagine that is from being SO HUNGRY since she wasn't absorbing properly. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Kelli (mom of Sydney 2wcf)


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To Jazzysmom, I thought about the reflux thing as I was told most bubs with CF have reflux problems, however I really don't know. He does a little chucking up after his feeds, but I thought this was normal as my daughter was 100% worse (but I can explain that I wayyyyyyy over fed her! Everytime she cried I fed her!!) Since being on one creon 5000 enzyme capsule with each feed he only does one poo a day & the dr was really happy with that (prior to this he was pooing all over the place!) But he does wake up screaming & hungry like Kelli's wee one. Just a thought he is perfect at night, wakes up starving, I feed him, he burps & goes straight back to sleep, so if he had reflux wouldn't this also bother him at night? I don't know, it's a big guessing game. I just thought maybe it's a CF baby trait to be unhappy due to this or that. Little wee monkeys! I thought him being my second I would have had this baby stage licked....guess I was wrong!

Your in health & happiness!
Donna (mum to baby boy 4mths w/cf daughter 3 1/2yrs wo/cf)
P.S. Can't wait for Georgia to turn 4yrs then I won't have to keep typing in 3 1/2yrs!!


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Both of my kids with cf were extremely grouchy. They had not been diagnosed at the time. I think that the enzimes really helped my kids feel better. I think you should ask for more enzimes


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My daughter has gone through 3 surgerys and everything and she's still a happy baby. I don't know how she does it, but she's amazing. I think she's even started smiling <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">...


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Its funny, my son Joseph without CF was such a hungrey baby. He would be sick alot and cried a lot of the time...but it was just a baby thing as he defo doesnot have CF....He is 2 and is still v v demanding...

...but My youngest Ruby (w/cf) 3 mths is so so placid she just sits cooing away at us all.
Maybe its because she is my second child and i am more relaxed..i just dont know...

I am mixing her milk with high energy formula and Breast milk...but i am losing my milk..(prob through Stress).She has 1 tablet with formula and a half with BM..This seems to work a treat...

I have been told its a bit of trail and error......

Paula x


New member
Hi my name is Renee. My 2 year old son Joshua has cf, went through 3 surgeries. We found out he has cf when Josh was 6 months old. What surgeries did your daughter have? My e-mail address is matlockrenee912@yahoo.com.
Take Care