University of Iowa Cystic Fibrosis Center


New member
I'm looking for anyone that has personal experience with the University of Iowa CF center.
We currently go to the CF clinic in Des Moines and am seriously thinking about transfereing my sons care.


New member
I'm looking for anyone that has personal experience with the University of Iowa CF center.
We currently go to the CF clinic in Des Moines and am seriously thinking about transfereing my sons care.


New member
I'm looking for anyone that has personal experience with the University of Iowa CF center.
We currently go to the CF clinic in Des Moines and am seriously thinking about transfereing my sons care.


New member
I'm looking for anyone that has personal experience with the University of Iowa CF center.
We currently go to the CF clinic in Des Moines and am seriously thinking about transfereing my sons care.


New member
<br />I'm looking for anyone that has personal experience with the University of Iowa CF center.
<br />We currently go to the CF clinic in Des Moines and am seriously thinking about transfereing my sons care.
<br />Thanks,
<br />Carey


New member
My son goes to McFarland Clinic in Ames. his docter is an extention of the University of Iowa. I do not have any complaints about it. We love my son's doctor and he has given the best care possible. His doctor is like part of the family. If you are not happy I would strongly advise you to look or a new clinic. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.


New member
My son goes to McFarland Clinic in Ames. his docter is an extention of the University of Iowa. I do not have any complaints about it. We love my son's doctor and he has given the best care possible. His doctor is like part of the family. If you are not happy I would strongly advise you to look or a new clinic. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.


New member
My son goes to McFarland Clinic in Ames. his docter is an extention of the University of Iowa. I do not have any complaints about it. We love my son's doctor and he has given the best care possible. His doctor is like part of the family. If you are not happy I would strongly advise you to look or a new clinic. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.


New member
My son goes to McFarland Clinic in Ames. his docter is an extention of the University of Iowa. I do not have any complaints about it. We love my son's doctor and he has given the best care possible. His doctor is like part of the family. If you are not happy I would strongly advise you to look or a new clinic. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.


New member
My son goes to McFarland Clinic in Ames. his docter is an extention of the University of Iowa. I do not have any complaints about it. We love my son's doctor and he has given the best care possible. His doctor is like part of the family. If you are not happy I would strongly advise you to look or a new clinic. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.


New member
Is your doctor a GI doctor? My sons main complaint is his liver.
It's good to know that there are good doctors in Ames. It is definitly closer then Iowa City.
I hope that eventually we will hook up with a clinic that makes me feel the way yours make you feel.


New member
Is your doctor a GI doctor? My sons main complaint is his liver.
It's good to know that there are good doctors in Ames. It is definitly closer then Iowa City.
I hope that eventually we will hook up with a clinic that makes me feel the way yours make you feel.


New member
Is your doctor a GI doctor? My sons main complaint is his liver.
It's good to know that there are good doctors in Ames. It is definitly closer then Iowa City.
I hope that eventually we will hook up with a clinic that makes me feel the way yours make you feel.


New member
Is your doctor a GI doctor? My sons main complaint is his liver.
It's good to know that there are good doctors in Ames. It is definitly closer then Iowa City.
I hope that eventually we will hook up with a clinic that makes me feel the way yours make you feel.


New member
<br />Is your doctor a GI doctor? My sons main complaint is his liver.
<br />It's good to know that there are good doctors in Ames. It is definitly closer then Iowa City.
<br />I hope that eventually we will hook up with a clinic that makes me feel the way yours make you feel.
<br />-Carey


New member
My son's Doctor is an is not a GI doctor. Allergy doctor that specializes in CF and is an affliate of Iowa City. He travels through out the week. He goes to places like Webster City and up north. I can alway get in contact with My son's nurse and they are in Ames at different time through out the week. I feel as if we are top priority, if we need to get in they always have time available. McFarland clinic/ Mary Greely have an excellent staff. I am sure you would be quite happy. Where do you live?


New member
My son's Doctor is an is not a GI doctor. Allergy doctor that specializes in CF and is an affliate of Iowa City. He travels through out the week. He goes to places like Webster City and up north. I can alway get in contact with My son's nurse and they are in Ames at different time through out the week. I feel as if we are top priority, if we need to get in they always have time available. McFarland clinic/ Mary Greely have an excellent staff. I am sure you would be quite happy. Where do you live?


New member
My son's Doctor is an is not a GI doctor. Allergy doctor that specializes in CF and is an affliate of Iowa City. He travels through out the week. He goes to places like Webster City and up north. I can alway get in contact with My son's nurse and they are in Ames at different time through out the week. I feel as if we are top priority, if we need to get in they always have time available. McFarland clinic/ Mary Greely have an excellent staff. I am sure you would be quite happy. Where do you live?


New member
My son's Doctor is an is not a GI doctor. Allergy doctor that specializes in CF and is an affliate of Iowa City. He travels through out the week. He goes to places like Webster City and up north. I can alway get in contact with My son's nurse and they are in Ames at different time through out the week. I feel as if we are top priority, if we need to get in they always have time available. McFarland clinic/ Mary Greely have an excellent staff. I am sure you would be quite happy. Where do you live?


New member
My son's Doctor is an is not a GI doctor. Allergy doctor that specializes in CF and is an affliate of Iowa City. He travels through out the week. He goes to places like Webster City and up north. I can alway get in contact with My son's nurse and they are in Ames at different time through out the week. I feel as if we are top priority, if we need to get in they always have time available. McFarland clinic/ Mary Greely have an excellent staff. I am sure you would be quite happy. Where do you live?