Unknown Pain - Chest/Back


New member
This morning I was doing my vest, like usual and when I finished I had a sharp pain on my lower right side (not kidney area), closer to my side than back, near the bottom of my rib cage. If feels like a screw driver sticking right in me. I dont get relief when I lay on it or off it. Sitting, standing, laying, walking, riding....positioning doesnt matter. It hurts to breathe, deep or shallow, worse when I breathe deep. Coughing hurts too. I know it sounds weird but it feels like something needs "popping", I guess like when you try to pop ur fingers and cant. As I am breathing, sometimes I get a feeling like something moving/rubbing/pop in and out but that feeling doesnt happen each time. I hope I am making sense. I have never had a collapsed lung so I have no clue what that is like. Could it be a mucus plug? Collapsed lung? I'm not sure if it could be a muscle or not. It is not my usual kidney stone pain, so I am pretty sure that is not it. It is quite uncomfortable. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Any ideas? All advice is welcomed.

Added: It started around 10am this morning and isnt any better. It is probably a little worse.


New member
This morning I was doing my vest, like usual and when I finished I had a sharp pain on my lower right side (not kidney area), closer to my side than back, near the bottom of my rib cage. If feels like a screw driver sticking right in me. I dont get relief when I lay on it or off it. Sitting, standing, laying, walking, riding....positioning doesnt matter. It hurts to breathe, deep or shallow, worse when I breathe deep. Coughing hurts too. I know it sounds weird but it feels like something needs "popping", I guess like when you try to pop ur fingers and cant. As I am breathing, sometimes I get a feeling like something moving/rubbing/pop in and out but that feeling doesnt happen each time. I hope I am making sense. I have never had a collapsed lung so I have no clue what that is like. Could it be a mucus plug? Collapsed lung? I'm not sure if it could be a muscle or not. It is not my usual kidney stone pain, so I am pretty sure that is not it. It is quite uncomfortable. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Any ideas? All advice is welcomed.

Added: It started around 10am this morning and isnt any better. It is probably a little worse.


New member
This morning I was doing my vest, like usual and when I finished I had a sharp pain on my lower right side (not kidney area), closer to my side than back, near the bottom of my rib cage. If feels like a screw driver sticking right in me. I dont get relief when I lay on it or off it. Sitting, standing, laying, walking, riding....positioning doesnt matter. It hurts to breathe, deep or shallow, worse when I breathe deep. Coughing hurts too. I know it sounds weird but it feels like something needs "popping", I guess like when you try to pop ur fingers and cant. As I am breathing, sometimes I get a feeling like something moving/rubbing/pop in and out but that feeling doesnt happen each time. I hope I am making sense. I have never had a collapsed lung so I have no clue what that is like. Could it be a mucus plug? Collapsed lung? I'm not sure if it could be a muscle or not. It is not my usual kidney stone pain, so I am pretty sure that is not it. It is quite uncomfortable. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Any ideas? All advice is welcomed.

Added: It started around 10am this morning and isnt any better. It is probably a little worse.


New member
i had a pain like that not too long ago. i woke up with it in the middle of the night and it hurt no matter how i layed and when i inhaled coughed, walk, talked, anyrthing like you said. i think i pulled a muscle or something from coughing but it went away after a couple days. maybe call your doctor if its worring you at all.


New member
i had a pain like that not too long ago. i woke up with it in the middle of the night and it hurt no matter how i layed and when i inhaled coughed, walk, talked, anyrthing like you said. i think i pulled a muscle or something from coughing but it went away after a couple days. maybe call your doctor if its worring you at all.


New member
i had a pain like that not too long ago. i woke up with it in the middle of the night and it hurt no matter how i layed and when i inhaled coughed, walk, talked, anyrthing like you said. i think i pulled a muscle or something from coughing but it went away after a couple days. maybe call your doctor if its worring you at all.


New member
You're probably quite right when you say it feels like something needs "popping." What has likely happened is that a particularly thick patch of mucus in your lungs has gotten stuck, and you're not able to move any air around it. The pain happens when you try to breath, but you're a bit "stuck." Think of it like trying to open an envelope that has just been licked. The flap opens for the most part, but where it's the stickiest, there's the most resistance and it needs an extra tug. This often happens in the lower lobes. Do you have someone who can do some clapping on your back (old school CPT) for you to dislodge it? Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep yourself as lubed up as possible. Try some huff coughing too. Sorry for the pain the meantime, that's awful. Try standing in a hot shower and do some coughing. It's going to hurt, but once you move that mucus up and out you'll feel a great deal better.


New member
You're probably quite right when you say it feels like something needs "popping." What has likely happened is that a particularly thick patch of mucus in your lungs has gotten stuck, and you're not able to move any air around it. The pain happens when you try to breath, but you're a bit "stuck." Think of it like trying to open an envelope that has just been licked. The flap opens for the most part, but where it's the stickiest, there's the most resistance and it needs an extra tug. This often happens in the lower lobes. Do you have someone who can do some clapping on your back (old school CPT) for you to dislodge it? Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep yourself as lubed up as possible. Try some huff coughing too. Sorry for the pain the meantime, that's awful. Try standing in a hot shower and do some coughing. It's going to hurt, but once you move that mucus up and out you'll feel a great deal better.


New member
You're probably quite right when you say it feels like something needs "popping." What has likely happened is that a particularly thick patch of mucus in your lungs has gotten stuck, and you're not able to move any air around it. The pain happens when you try to breath, but you're a bit "stuck." Think of it like trying to open an envelope that has just been licked. The flap opens for the most part, but where it's the stickiest, there's the most resistance and it needs an extra tug. This often happens in the lower lobes. Do you have someone who can do some clapping on your back (old school CPT) for you to dislodge it? Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep yourself as lubed up as possible. Try some huff coughing too. Sorry for the pain the meantime, that's awful. Try standing in a hot shower and do some coughing. It's going to hurt, but once you move that mucus up and out you'll feel a great deal better.


New member
Ya, I had the samething happen to me in the past. Was never able to get a direct answer to it, but my doctor always felt I pulled a muscle from coughing. I would usually take ibprofen<sp> for it and give it a couple of days to pass. Now that I have had my xtrans surgery I can no longer take ibprofen<sp>.
I would say you pulled a muscle while coughing, either in your sleep or at some other point, but like amber had said, if it is worrying you that much then talk to your doctor about it.


New member
Ya, I had the samething happen to me in the past. Was never able to get a direct answer to it, but my doctor always felt I pulled a muscle from coughing. I would usually take ibprofen<sp> for it and give it a couple of days to pass. Now that I have had my xtrans surgery I can no longer take ibprofen<sp>.
I would say you pulled a muscle while coughing, either in your sleep or at some other point, but like amber had said, if it is worrying you that much then talk to your doctor about it.


New member
Ya, I had the samething happen to me in the past. Was never able to get a direct answer to it, but my doctor always felt I pulled a muscle from coughing. I would usually take ibprofen<sp> for it and give it a couple of days to pass. Now that I have had my xtrans surgery I can no longer take ibprofen<sp>.
I would say you pulled a muscle while coughing, either in your sleep or at some other point, but like amber had said, if it is worrying you that much then talk to your doctor about it.


New member
Thanks for the responses. I am hoping that it is a mucus plug...at the worse. My husband will be home later from work. He usually gives me Manual CPT every night. But it happened this morning so hopefully something will relieve it. I will tell him to do several extra minutes there. After I cough, I have to do a lot of shallow breathing because it hurts so bad. And seems like something is "rubbing" together when I move or breathe...that is happening more often than I meantioned earlier. Since my husband is a nurse, I'm gonna get him to listen to me tonight and see what he can hear. But lordy is it painful. I have taken some Advil, but the pain isnt any better, so I am gonna try an ice pack. I know that if it is a mucus plug those things wont help, but I'm gonna try to rule a pulled muscle out. I will be glad when it is gone. It is starting to interfer with my normal activity. If it continues into tomorrow morning, I might call my local pulmo. and see what he says, since the weekend is coming and all.

Froggy, I have had pleurisy but it was so long ago I dont remember it very much. I think I had it all over. Can you have it in just one location? Or did u just hurt in one location but it was all over?

Update: Husband took a listen. My air movement is pretty good. Nothing to indicate a collapsed lung. He said I had crackles in my right side, in the middle...then I informed him that is where I was hurting. He thinks its probably a mucus plug as well, lightnlife. So we are gonna do vigious (sp?) CPT. Guess I'm gonna have to suck up the pain and try to get through it. Does anyone know what else can be taken for the pain, since its a possible mucus plug? I would really like to decrease the pain so I can get some sleep.


New member
Thanks for the responses. I am hoping that it is a mucus plug...at the worse. My husband will be home later from work. He usually gives me Manual CPT every night. But it happened this morning so hopefully something will relieve it. I will tell him to do several extra minutes there. After I cough, I have to do a lot of shallow breathing because it hurts so bad. And seems like something is "rubbing" together when I move or breathe...that is happening more often than I meantioned earlier. Since my husband is a nurse, I'm gonna get him to listen to me tonight and see what he can hear. But lordy is it painful. I have taken some Advil, but the pain isnt any better, so I am gonna try an ice pack. I know that if it is a mucus plug those things wont help, but I'm gonna try to rule a pulled muscle out. I will be glad when it is gone. It is starting to interfer with my normal activity. If it continues into tomorrow morning, I might call my local pulmo. and see what he says, since the weekend is coming and all.

Froggy, I have had pleurisy but it was so long ago I dont remember it very much. I think I had it all over. Can you have it in just one location? Or did u just hurt in one location but it was all over?

Update: Husband took a listen. My air movement is pretty good. Nothing to indicate a collapsed lung. He said I had crackles in my right side, in the middle...then I informed him that is where I was hurting. He thinks its probably a mucus plug as well, lightnlife. So we are gonna do vigious (sp?) CPT. Guess I'm gonna have to suck up the pain and try to get through it. Does anyone know what else can be taken for the pain, since its a possible mucus plug? I would really like to decrease the pain so I can get some sleep.


New member
Thanks for the responses. I am hoping that it is a mucus plug...at the worse. My husband will be home later from work. He usually gives me Manual CPT every night. But it happened this morning so hopefully something will relieve it. I will tell him to do several extra minutes there. After I cough, I have to do a lot of shallow breathing because it hurts so bad. And seems like something is "rubbing" together when I move or breathe...that is happening more often than I meantioned earlier. Since my husband is a nurse, I'm gonna get him to listen to me tonight and see what he can hear. But lordy is it painful. I have taken some Advil, but the pain isnt any better, so I am gonna try an ice pack. I know that if it is a mucus plug those things wont help, but I'm gonna try to rule a pulled muscle out. I will be glad when it is gone. It is starting to interfer with my normal activity. If it continues into tomorrow morning, I might call my local pulmo. and see what he says, since the weekend is coming and all.

Froggy, I have had pleurisy but it was so long ago I dont remember it very much. I think I had it all over. Can you have it in just one location? Or did u just hurt in one location but it was all over?

Update: Husband took a listen. My air movement is pretty good. Nothing to indicate a collapsed lung. He said I had crackles in my right side, in the middle...then I informed him that is where I was hurting. He thinks its probably a mucus plug as well, lightnlife. So we are gonna do vigious (sp?) CPT. Guess I'm gonna have to suck up the pain and try to get through it. Does anyone know what else can be taken for the pain, since its a possible mucus plug? I would really like to decrease the pain so I can get some sleep.