Unproductive, nagging cough


New member
My daughter with CF is 19. She completed a 3 week tune up ( treated with Tobramyacin, Aztreonem, and Predinose) followed by sinus surgery 2.5 weeks ago. She is currently on a twice a day vest treatment, nebulizes Hypersal 7% and Pulmozume. She uses a ProAir Inhaler, Flovent inhaler, and Dulera. Her cough improved initially after the surgery but returned after stopping the pain med (Vicodin) she was given. We have since learned that perhaps the vicodin was suppressing her cough. She also takes Prevacid for reflux. Her pfts show an increase from 82-89% after albuterol, so her docs say she is reactive. She is coughing nearly constantly and is so frustrated. She is trying to get back exercising (running on treadmill) the last few days. Her cough seems very unproductive and nagging. I am hoping someone may have suggestions as to what to try next. Any tips for what you do when you have this tickle at the back of throat that makes you cough all the time? Help! Thanks, Sarah


New member
I also just had a tune-up and a sinus surgery and my cough, up until I started to get sick again, was from drainage down my throat from the surgery. It was completely unproductive and one of the most annoying coughs I've ever dealt with. I tried to clear my throat often and drink a lot of fluid to try and get the gunk off the back of my throat.


Is she able to sleep through the night, or is the cough keeping her awake? What happens to me (rarely) is this. I get a cold, cold goes to lungs, I get a cough that is nagging as the cold is finishing up. It keeps me awake at night, I don't sleep, and it becomes a vicious cycle.For me, the starting point was getting sleep again. Taking codiene cough syrup or Nyquil to suppress the cough so I can sleep. Once I am well rested, my body is in a position to kick it.Other times, it is a lung infection that is causing this. Are docs already involved? It sounds like she just came out of a tuneup, so she was on lots of antibiotics? You mention it is non productive -- is it just inflammation?Final thought: is she taking time to rest and stay home, or is she doing all her normal day-to-day stuff while dealing with the cough? (Work, school, etc.) My advice is to just STOP everything, and take a sick day or two. Nothing helps bad coughs like rest.


Active member
There is a virus on the east coast that has nothing to do with CF. The symptoms are much like your DD is experiencing.



Nagging Cough

The best thing that works for me when I get my nagging unproductive cough is Delsym. It doesn't last me 6 or 12 hrs like it claims, but it lasts about 4 and I take it again. Codeine works, but makes me itch after a couple of doses. Unrelenting coughs are dreadful, b/c they don't let me sleep, so everything else gets/seems worse. I hope she's better soon :)


Super Moderator
Narcotics suppresses the cough impulse and DD may have had it all during the time she was on it. The source could be anything suggested and more. She is inhaling a lot of steroids, and with other inhalants her epiglottis or bronchial process could be irritated by the steroids. It is standard practice to rinse or gargle after using a steroid inhaler. I don't remember mention of a G tube but the vocal chords, could also be inflamed by one, in addition to inhalants causing a dry cough, a G tube can really irritate the same areas of the throat . Sinus drainge or a viral bronchitis stand as good chance as any other cause which is so frustrating. Tussienex is a narcotic cough suppressant and works great for sleeping or when she has to be cough free. Tussienex is the most pleasant and soothing cough syrup I know. It also packs a wallop so it isn't for the long term.

Hope things go well,



New member
When I have had to deal with a persistent, unproductive cough, my CF doctor has told me I'm experiencing something similar to an asthmatic cough and that I am probably inflamed. I am highly allergic to prednisone so can't take that. My regimen for dealing with that cough is a supplement called, pycnogenol. There was a study done with asthma patients and it found that taking the pycnogenol helped with the unproductive, inflammatory cough. It helps me when I need it. I'm a 63 yr old adult with cystic fibrosis and I take 25 mg. It must be taken with food - a meal or snack. Also, a cup of coffee can help coughing. My cf nurse told me that and it helps some. I also take Tylenol #3 on a daily basis. It does help suppress the coughing some and give me rest. Hope she finds something that will help her. Donna


New member
My daughter rarely has an unproductive cough, but on the occasions that she has and it wakes her up at night we give her Chestal which is for children 2-12 years old. It is homeopathic, honey based and doesn't affect other medications she may be taking. I know that an adult version is also available. I don't like the idea of giving her a narcotic she is only 6. Codeine and similar narcotics make me deathly ill so I would be concerned with giving them to her. We are really pleased with how the Chestal suppresses her cough. Even though it can be administered every two hours we have never had to give her more than one to allow her to rest comfortably through the night.


Staff member
Has she had a culture recently? When DS had a similar cough, it was because he was culturing Steno. Maltophilia and it wasn't sensitive to the abx he was already on for other stuff he'd cultured. But agree could be a virus or an allergy component